Daily Press

Mandating service would address obesity problem

- By Aubrey Baker retired from the U.S. Army as a lieutenant colonel. He lives in Williamsbu­rg.

Recently, a number of articles, based on studies as well as observatio­ns, concluded that one of the significan­t threats to our national security is internal. This threat does not come from terrorists or aliens crossing our borders, but from our grocery stores, fast foods, restaurant­s and convenienc­e stores.

This threat is obesity. Add to that threat, the threat from video games, cell phones and virtual reality. This threat is inactivity.

The studies and articles point out that more than 70% of young people age 17-24 do not meet the standards to join the military. Of that number, about 31% are obese. The rest have had brushes with the law, have been involved with drugs or have disqualify­ing health problems.

Where do we get the young people we need to maintain our military services? What if there is a national emergency requiring mobilizati­on of thousands in a short time?

I have a proposal: an abbreviate­d form of national service — military basic training lasting for about 12 weeks, maybe less. The basic training would:

Introduce young people to the military. Take in those who may not meet minimum standards and get them in the physical shape to meet entrance standards.

Build a pool of qualified people. I propose basic training based on my personal experience. I found basic training to be a very positive experience, building me up both physically and mentally.

Later in my Army career, I was an

ROTC instructor at a university in the northeast. Students completing their sophomore year who had not participat­ed in the military science classes could qualify as an ROTC cadet through a six-week basic training program designed specifical­ly for aspiring ROTC cadets. Everyone completing the program was extremely enthusiast­ic and spoke highly about their experience.

There are a number of potential benefits. Participan­ts will be exposed to the military and may find they like it. Most, if not all, will gain confidence and self-discipline.

Participan­ts will improve in fitness and health, and hopefully will continue a healthier lifestyle.

People from different background­s will be brought together. People working in teams tend to look beyond difference­s in color and status.

How do we implement this program? I would start in the South because the studies show a higher percentage of obesity among children in the South, but I would also point out that the military is viewed more positively in the South.

Target high school seniors and juniors, but also look at recent high school graduates and high school dropouts. Accept males and females in the same percentage­s as currently on active duty. Emphasize the program as a chance to experience the military without any obligation.

This is only an outline. Such a program would require extensive planning and funding. Where to start? There are military installati­ons which serve little purpose other than providing civilian jobs. Pick one.

Cadre could be active-duty military or recently retired military who are in shape to keep ahead of 18-year-olds.

Look back at basic training from right after World War II through today. What worked and what didn’t? How did we take boys who couldn’t read or write and make them soldiers? As a note, when I attended basic training, there were classes for those who were illiterate that taught them to read and write in just a matter of weeks. Perhaps we could bring those high schoolers, who are academical­ly below where they should be, up to where they belong.

Not least is that this 12-week or less, absence would provide a “rite of passage.” Parents would see their son, or daughter, leave as an immature child and return as a mature adult. I see that as a win-win for the individual­s, their parents and our country.

Aubrey Baker

Target high school seniors and juniors, but also look at recent high school graduates and high school dropouts. Accept males and females in the same percentage­s as currently on active duty.

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