Daily Press

Fish Oil Alternativ­e Reverses America’s Memory Crisis

Why Americans should reconsider fish oil in favor of this weird alternativ­e that’s improving memory, sharpening focus, and ending “senior moments” for good


If you’ve tried fish oil to boost your memory in the past without any luck, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans suffer the same fate. And for the first time in decades, we finally know why.

According to some of the top medical establishm­ents in the world, the memoryboos­ting ingredient in all fish oil is steadily declining worldwide.

“Omega-3 fish oils have two nutrients, EPA and DHA,” explains anti-aging expert and bestsellin­g author, Dr. Al Sears. “They’re both important, but DHA is crucial to your brain health.”

Research has shown our paleo ancestors ate DHArich foods to evolve their brains into the bigger, smarter brains we know today.

“Without DHA, our brains would shrink,” says Dr. Sears. “Sadly, over the last few years, DHA is all but disappeari­ng from nearly every fish product you buy. And it’s causing a surge in America’s memory crisis.”

“Ensuring your brain gets healthy levels of DHA is the secret to maintainin­g a powerful memory and rapid brain function your entire life,” explains Dr. Sears.


In a groundbrea­king animal study from the University of Alberta, researcher­s finally uncovered why DHA is able to improve memory and brain function so significan­tly. Animals given a diet rich in DHA saw a 29% boost in their hippocampu­s — the part of the brain responsibl­e for learning and memory.

The same was found in human studies, too. A study conducted by Stanford University analyzed the brains of over 1,100 women. And according to brain scans, DHA grew a significan­tly bigger hippocampu­s.

Conversely, after analyzing more than 1,500 seniors, the Framingham study found that those whose brains were deficient in DHA also had significan­tly smaller brains — a characteri­stic of accelerate­d aging and a weakened memory.

Lastly, a randomized, double-blind, placebocon­trolled study from Columbia found something remarkable.

485 senior men and women were put through a series of rigorous mental and visual tests. They were asked to remember arbitrary shapes and images that made the task so challengin­g, some compared it to an IQ test.

Remarkably, after 6 months those who took DHA had a significan­t edge in learning, memory, and brain function over those who didn’t supplement with DHA.

“There are many ways this compound can improve your memory and help reduce senior moments,” says Dr. Al Sears. “Unfortunat­ely, 9 in 10 Americans are starved of this memory-booster.”


Harvard University found that Americans may be severely deficient in DHA.

According to a major nationwide report, the reason is simple. 85% of Americans don’t eat enough seafood. “It doesn’t matter that you’re supplement­ing with fish oil, either,” says Dr. Sears. “You’ll still fall short.”

According to several reports published in JNS and Nature, nearly 60% of fish oils don’t contain the amounts of DHA as listed on the label. In fact, in some countries a startling 69% contain less than twothirds.

But while most would blame shoddy supplement practices, Dr. Sears has a different theory. “If you look at the FAO, you’ll learn that more than 80% of store-bought fish oils come from fish farms. And I’ll tell you why that’s a problem.”

A study from Stirling University found that, in just the last 9-years, DHA levels in farmed fish have been slashed in half.

According to Dr. Sears, fish farmers are to blame.


“Most fish are carnivores,” explains Dr. Sears. “And carnivore fish, like cod and salmon, can’t produce their own DHA. They have to get it from a natural diet, rich in marine life.”

During his research, Dr. Sears uncovered that sometime in the 1990s, fish farmers stopped giving these animals a diet rich in DHA and began feeding them a diet that was 70% vegetarian.

“It was a quick way for farmers to cut costs,” explains Dr. Sears. “This is why the country is experienci­ng a memory crisis.”

In order to produce DHA, fish need a natural, marine diet.

French researcher­s found that by giving fish the right diet, resembling what they’d eat in the wild, you could boost DHA levels by 20-fold.

This further proves Dr. Sears’ theory. “If you want to improve your memory and brainpower, you have to ensure your DHA comes from the wild.”

Over the last 24-months, Dr. Sears and his team have been developing a unique brain-boosting formula called Omega Rejuvenol. It’s made from the most powerful, natural source of DHA in the ocean, squid and krill — two species that cannot be farmed.

According to Dr. Sears, these are the purest and most potent sources

of DHA in the world, because they haven’t been tampered with. “Omega Rejuvenol is sourced from the most sustainabl­e fishery in Antarctica. You won’t find this oil in any stores.”


Already, the formula has sold more than 27,000 bottles. And for a good reason, too. Satisfied customers can’t stop raving about the memoryboos­ting benefits of quality-sourced DHA oil.

“I see a noticeable increase in my brain function. I’m experienci­ng a noticeable increase in my concentrat­ion level and productivi­ty throughout the day,” says satisfied customer, Timothy B.

“It’s great to remember everyone who played in the ‘75 World Series. My memory has never been sharper,” says Mike T.

“After the first time I took it, I experience­d mental clarity and focus. I noticed my mental function improve and I could concentrat­e better and be more productive throughout the day,” raves John F.

And 70-year-old Mark K. says, “My focus and memory are back to age30 levels.”

These are just a handful of the thousands of reviews Dr. Sears receives on a regular basis thanks to his breakthrou­gh memory formula, Omega Rejuvenol.


To secure bottles of this brain-booster, buyers should contact the Sears Health Hotline at 1-800-353-6147 within the next 48 hours. “It takes time to manufactur­e these bottles,” says Dr. Sears. “The Hotline allows us to ship the product directly to customers who need it most.”

Dr. Sears feels so strongly about this product, he is offering a 100%, moneyback guarantee on every order. “Send back any used or unused bottles within 90 days and I’ll rush you a refund,” says Dr. Sears.

The Hotline is taking orders for the next 48 hours. After that, the phone number will shut off to allow for inventory restocking.

Call 1-800-353-6147 to secure your limited supply of Omega Rejuvenol. Readers of this newspaper immediatel­y qualify for a steep discount, but only if they call within the first 24 hours. To take advantage of this great offer use Promo Code NP0321OR46 when you call.

 ??  ?? Plummeting levels of ‘brain fuel’ in fish oil could be the result of distastefu­l supplement practices.
Plummeting levels of ‘brain fuel’ in fish oil could be the result of distastefu­l supplement practices.

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