Daily Press

Adult survivors of abuse must be heard

- By Amy Dickinson askamy@amydickins­on.com Twitter@askingamy Copyright 2021 by Amy Dickinson Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency

Dear Amy: Iamamom with two grown children, “Charlie,” 26, and “Liza,” 23.

Liza recently let me know that she and her brother were molested throughout their childhood by my sister-in-law.

I am terribly sad that my children thought they could not come to me and tell me this when it was happening. My heart breaks for them that they endured this alone.

My daughter has been in therapy for a while now and is dealing with it.

My son, however, has been using hard drugs for several years now.

I would like to tell him that I know what happened and offer to get him help.

This is obviously something that he does not want me to know. Should I respect his privacy, or should I tell him that his sister told me?

I am afraid if I say the wrong thing his drug use may spiral out of control again.

— Heartbroke­n Mama

You should be honest with your son. Please do not let his addiction control your willingnes­s to face this heartbreak­ing challenge openly. You cannot control how he will respond, but I hope you will hold fast and stay in his corner.

Holding onto this secret must have been excruciati­ng for both of your children.

You don’t mention any consequenc­es for the adult who abused these children. I hope your daughter will permit you to attend a session with her therapist to discuss next steps,

Dear Heartbroke­n:

including going to the police.

Male victims of sexual violence are an underrepor­ted demographi­c, and your son deserves to tell his story, to be believed and to receive help. Male survivor.org is a resource dedicated to male survivors, and those who love them.

Dear Amy: I have a family member who lives out of town. She has two children under the age of 4.

They are out of control, screaming, crying, running and climbing on everything in sight. They throw temper tantrums daily.

I work in early childhood education and have seen a gamut of behaviors, but these two are off the charts.

Their parents constantly overstimul­ate them by tossing them in the air and dangling them upside down.

Their mother looks like she is at the breaking point.

I feel like I can’t extend advice because it will look like criticism.

What is the answer to this situation?

— Tired Before They Even Get Here

Dear Tired: If you’ve worked as a childhood educator, surely you have seen other parents whose behavior amplified, rather than mollified, their children. Parents sometimes believe that countering overstimul­ation with more stimulatio­n will somehow “tire out” their children, but as you know, overstimul­ated young children can’t focus, and tired children melt down.

There are ways to offer support, where you can piggyback some gentle “coaching” onto your compassion in order to offer these overwhelme­d parents some advice.

You might start by acknowledg­ing that two children under the age of 4 is a lot, no matter how you slice it.

Obviously, the children won’t be climbing all over everything in your house, because you’ll calmly stop them and say, “You can’t climb on top of the furniture at my house, but over here is something you can do,” and point them toward a different activity.

If you are able to catch a quiet moment with these parents, you could start by simply asking them how things are going.

You can say, “Well, I’ve worked with a lot of kids, and I can see that your two are very active. It’s a lot!

Let me know if you’d be interested in some tips and tricks I’ve learned over the years.”

Watching you interactin­g calmly and appropriat­ely with these children might make the lightbulb go on for the parents.

Dear Amy: On the subject of holiday meal leftovers, several members of my family show up with carryout containers, fill their containers, take them to the car and then come back to eat with the rest of the family. Now that’s gall.

— Hungry

Dear Hungry: I’d call that cheeky — as in, how chipmunks eat.

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