Daily Press

Heard testifies that she was assaulted by Depp

- By Matthew Barakat

FAIRFAX — Amber Heard said she knew she should leave Johnny Depp the first time he hit her, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

“I knew I couldn’t just forgive him, right, because that means it will happen again. Like, I’ve seen the health class videos,” Heard told jurors through tears as she took the stand in Depp’s libel lawsuit against her. “I was heartbroke­n.”

Ultimately, though, she couldn’t bring herself to break up. She walked away after being slapped, but a few days later Depp came back with an apology, a few cases of her favorite wine, and a promise he’d never do it again, Heard testified.

“I wanted to believe him, so I chose to,” she said.

Depp, 58, is suing Heard for libel in Fairfax County Circuit Court after she wrote a December 2018 op-ed in The Washington Post describing herself as “a public figure representi­ng domestic abuse.” The article never mentions Depp by name, but his lawyers say he was defamed because it clearly referred to accusation­s she made in 2016 during their divorce proceeding­s.

Heard took the stand for the first time Wednesday in the trial that has now spanned four weeks. She described to jurors how they met filming a movie and fell in love.

Despite their 22-year age difference, Heard said there was an instant connection when Depp met with her as he considered her for a role in his film “The Rum Diary.”

“I was a no-name actor. I was 22. He was twice my age. He’s this world famous actor and here we are getting along about obscure books, old blues” music, said Heard, now 36.

She said the first act of physical violence came as she was looking at one of his tattoos. She laughed when Depp told her it said “Wino” — an alteration to a tattoo he had made when he’d been dating actor Winona Ryder.

Heard said she laughed after he slapped her, thinking it must be a joke. He then slapped her two more times, the third time knocking her off balance, Heard said. Depp, who has already testified, told jurors a different version of the story.

“It didn’t happen,” he said of the alleged assault. “Why would I take such great offense to someone making fun of a tattoo on my body? That allegation never made any sense to me.”

Heard’s testimony came after a psychologi­st hired by her lawyers testified that Heard suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder from multiple acts of abuse, including sexual violence, inflicted on her by Depp.

Depp testified he never struck Heard and that he was the abuse victim. He said he was punched and struck by her on many occasions, and that she threw things at him. He described Heard as having a “need for conflict.”

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