Daily Press

Ukraine fears prolonged war might fatigue West’s interest

- By Colleen Barry and Yuras Karmanau

KYIV, Ukraine — As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine grinds into its fourth month, officials in Kyiv have expressed fears that the specter of “war fatigue” could erode the West’s resolve to help the country push back Moscow’s aggression.

The U.S. and its allies have given billions of dollars in weaponry to Ukraine. Europe has taken in millions of people displaced by the war. And there has been unpreceden­ted unity in post-World War II Europe in imposing sanctions on Russian President Vladimir Putin and his country.

But as the shock of the Feb. 24 invasion subsides, analysts say the Kremlin could exploit a draggedout, entrenched conflict and possible waning interest among Western powers that might lead to pressuring Ukraine into a settlement.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy already has chafed at Western suggestion­s he should accept some sort of compromise. Ukraine, he said, would decide its own terms for peace.

“The fatigue is growing, people want some kind of outcome (that is beneficial) for themselves, and we want (another) outcome for ourselves,” he said.

An Italian peace proposal was dismissed, and French President Emmanuel Macron was met with an angry backlash after he was quoted as saying that although Putin’s invasion was a “historic error,” world powers shouldn’t “humiliate Russia, so when the fighting stops, we can build a way out together via diplomatic paths.” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said such talk “can only humiliate France and every other country that would call for it.”

Kyiv wants to push Russia out of newly captured areas in eastern and southern Ukraine, as well as retaking Crimea, which Moscow annexed in 2014, and parts of the Donbas under control of Kremlin-backed separatist­s for the past eight years.

Every month of the war is costing Ukraine $5 billion, said Volodymyr Fesenko, political analyst with the Penta Center think tank, and that “makes Kyiv dependent on the consolidat­ed position of the Western countries.”

Ukraine will need even more advanced weaponry to secure victory, along with Western resolve to keep up the economic pain on Russia to weaken Moscow.

“It is obvious that Russia is determined to wear down the West and is now building its strategy on the assumption that Western countries will get tired and gradually begin to change their militant rhetoric to a more accommodat­ing one,” Fesenko said.

The U.S. continues to help Ukraine, and President Joe Biden asserted in a New York Times essay on May 31, “I will not pressure the Ukrainian government — in private or public — to make any territoria­l concession­s.”

Europe’s domestic concerns are nudging their way into the discourse, especially as energy prices and raw materials shortages start to take an economic toll on ordinary people who are facing higher electricit­y bills, fuel costs and grocery prices.

 ?? ARIS MESSINIS/GETTY-AFP ?? A Ukrainian soldier speaks on a radio Friday in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region. The war there still gets prominent coverage in the United States and Europe.
ARIS MESSINIS/GETTY-AFP A Ukrainian soldier speaks on a radio Friday in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region. The war there still gets prominent coverage in the United States and Europe.

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