Daily Press

‘Buried Deep’ shows city filling in pools instead of integratin­g

Lynchburg play highlights ‘living history’ as part of Endstation’s New Works initiative

- By Shannon Kelly

LYNCHBURG — As American citizens celebrated freedom and liberty in 1961, a government founded on notions of the inalienabl­e human rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness took action at a local level to deny those rights to their fellow citizens whose skin was not white.

This little-taught chapter of local history is being brought to life in an original play, “Buried Deep,” produced through Endstation Theatre Company, affiliated with Randolph College.

On that sweltering July day in Lynchburg, as many residents sought the relief offered by public pools, the city closed those because some Black residents went to swim in the whites-only pools at Miller and Riverside parks. They were exercising their civil rights and making intentiona­l strides toward integratio­n when many people were content to drag their feet despite a federal court’s recent ruling that mandated desegregat­ion nationwide.

The Black community was not entirely without allies. Camp Kum-Ba-Yah, for instance, opened its integrated pool following the city’s closure of the public pools at the parks, and maintained its integrated status even though some white patrons left in protest.

Today, if one visits Riverside Park, an indentatio­n in the ground where a pool once stood remains as a permanent scar of racial tensions in the not-so-distant past.

“Buried Deep” is part of Endstation’s New Works initiative, a program which supports playwright­s who create a script based on some aspect of Lynchburg-area history.

Chicago-based playwright Josh Brewer, who had worked with Endstation, began developing this work in 2019 following a chance encounter at Riverside Park.

There, Brewer noticed the indentatio­n in the ground which, upon investigat­ion, he discovered to be a filled-in public swimming pool, accompanie­d by a plaque summarizin­g its history. He knew this was a story that had to be told.

The idea to write a play about the city pools incident already was on a shortlist of brainstorm­s at Endstation Theatre Company, according to the company’s executive director, David Lee.

Since its founding in 2006, the local theater company has a history of telling community stories, particular­ly those that address social issues on a local level. “Buried Deep” fit perfectly into this tradition.

Using historical public records, newspaper articles from the era and primary source interviews with individual­s still living who remember those fateful events, Brewer crafted “Buried Deep” with the Endstation team.

The production opened after more than 20 drafts and revisions of the script and delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Segregatio­n was the law of the land through the 1960s, and Lynchburg was no exception. Even after federal court-mandated integratio­n nationwide, many places strove to maintain racial divides. Miller Park, Riverside Park and Jefferson Park — designated for Black people only during the era of legal segregatio­n — would have their pools filled in with concrete by 1968 after several years of disuse following the July 1961 shutdowns.

The new play is “living history,” said show director Dennis Darling.

“I’m passionate about anything that tells stories that raise issues that face people of color, or people that are marginaliz­ed and disenfranc­hised. When I read this piece, I said, ‘This is history I don’t know of. This is history that was erased, and I need to tell this story.’ And that’s why I’m here,” Darling said.

Protests against racial inequality and segregatio­n were a major part of the civil rights movement, and included “sit-ins,” where Black people would enter restaurant­s, cafeteria areas, businesses and other spaces designated for “whites only.” In Lynchburg, groups of Black people began organizing “swim-ins” at local public pools.

“We did that because we knew what was going to happen,” James “Jim” White said in a previous interview.

White, who was 16 when the public pools were filled in, participat­ed in swim-ins at the Riverside Park pool.

When Black teens jumped into whites-only pools, White said, the white swimmers would jump out,

many of them calling out racial slurs.

“If we jumped in the pool, they were going to make everybody get out of the pool because they had to take all the water out and replace it, because Black folks had been in it,” White said. “They couldn’t allow Black folks to jump in the pool and ‘contaminat­e’ the water. So that meant they had to close the pool down for that day, and nobody could swim. And that was our objective in the first place.”.

When Black teens jumped into whites-only pools, White said, the white swimmers would jump out, many of them calling out racial slurs.

Hylan “Hank” Hubbard, of Lynchburg, now in his 70s, spent the summer of 1961 in Washington, with his uncle when he heard his home city finally cracked down on the swim-ins: local officials would rather no one swim than allow people with different skin colors to mingle.

The reason the city gave for its decision, Hubbard said, was “violence” would erupt if Black and white individual­s came together.

“It’s that whole notion of ‘separate but equal’ which they used to promote,” Hubbard said in a previous interview. “We got the ‘separate’ part right. We didn’t get the ‘equal’ part right.”

After completing two virtual readings of “Buried Deep,” the cast came together for a live, in-person reading and talk-back session with a small crowd June 14 at an event hosted by the Academy Center of the Arts and Endstation Theatre Company.

The play jumps between present and past, primarily the 1960s, and actors play multiple roles.

Characters are based on the real-life Lynchburg citizens who were involved in the pools incident, on both sides of the issue, with a few fictional characters created for scenes of the play based in present-day.

Among the audience at the exclusive reading were several individual­s who lived through the events. For them, it was a time to talk openly about the incident that many would prefer to suppress or ignore, how it affected them and their communitie­s, and engage in honest dialogue about painful but meaningful issues.

Doris Lee Lewis Waller, 88, recalled the reek of methane gas emanating from Jefferson Park after the pool shut down as the city had filled it in not just with dirt, but with garbage.

The day after the swim-in, Waller added, working Black people who participat­ed were fired from their jobs in retaliatio­n. She said she remembered one swim-in where only three white boys remained in one of the pools as other white swimmers jumped out of the water — and she was grateful for those boys’ example.

Keelan Burns, an actor in “Buried Deep” and a rising senior at Liberty University, is a Lynchburg native — but he said he had only heard the pools incident mentioned maybe once, and never in depth or given the “why.” Like most of the rest of the cast, he learned the true history through the play.

“There was never really much discussion about that, and I never really thought to discuss it … And especially why they closed the pools. The why is extremely important,” Burns said.

Lynchburg resident Earl Spinner, 72, likewise remembers the days of segregatio­n and the pools incident. He observed some people call Black history “divisive” and would call this play “divisive” because it addresses a topic that, like the name of the play suggests, many would prefer to bury.

Darling acknowledg­ed this trend of labeling such discourse and teaching of history as “divisive” is another reason why telling this history is so important — now more than ever.

“Factual events are factual events,” Darling said. “If we bring a light to them, there are lessons to be learned. We talk about repeating history, but if you don’t know history, then things can be repeated.”

This play is not made to vilify Lynchburg, Lee said, but “it is about reckoning with our history in an honest way.” Facilitati­ng discourse in the community and being aware of its history, of its strengths and weaknesses, can help forge a better future for everyone.

“We are hoping that our creative and artistic approach will create a tapestry of real and imagined elements that ultimately paint a very clear picture of what happened, and why it’s important,” Lee said.

Each performanc­e will be followed by a community talk-back session where attendees can actively engage with what they learn: ask questions, have conversati­ons and hear multiple perspectiv­es.

“You cannot forget where you came from. But just keep on walking,” Waller said.

“I’m passionate about anything that tells stories that raise issues that face people of color, or people that are marginaliz­ed and disenfranc­hised. When I read this piece, I said, ‘This is history I don’t know of. This is history that was erased, and I need to tell this story.’ And that’s why I’m here.” — Dennis Darling, ‘Buried Deep’ director

 ?? KENDALL WARNER/AP ?? Members of Endstation Theatre Company rehearse for their upcoming production called “Buried Deep” at Randolph College in Lynchburg on June 21.
KENDALL WARNER/AP Members of Endstation Theatre Company rehearse for their upcoming production called “Buried Deep” at Randolph College in Lynchburg on June 21.

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