Daily Press

Ukraine invasion should be a wake up call

- By Griffin Thompson Griffin Thompson is a retired State Department foreign policy official, now teaching foreign policy, energy, and climate change courses at Loyola University Chicago and the University of Chicago. He is also a Payne Fellow at the Payne

To view Russian leader Vladimir Putin as a gift may seem perverse. Yet, history teaches that growth, understand­ing and, dare I say, enlightenm­ent typically depend on trauma, crisis and catastroph­e. Putin has given us a healthy dose of all three and therein an opportunit­y to flourish. The Russian invasion of Ukraine follows a string of such “teachable moments” including the financial meltdown of 2009, the social upheavals of the #MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements, COVID-19, and of course the granddaddy of reflective inflection points, global climate change.

Each of these “events” should be seen as signals that something is dreadfully wrong and thus occasions to wake up and examine hardened habits of thought and action. Sadly, the gift that Putin is offering is being treated much like the other above-mentioned gifts in our refusal to awaken from our slumbering ways.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has rattled political leaders and the foreign policy establishm­ent. Given the devastatin­g nature and seismic implicatio­ns of Putin’s actions, one would have expected greater imaginatio­n from our politician­s and pundits. While the Biden administra­tion receives credit for the coalition it has mustered, its hackneyed framing of “autocracy versus democracy” tarnishes the luster. Biden is reflecting the foreign policy establishm­ent’s adherence to the simplistic good versus bad, friend versus foe dualistic mentality that cleaves originalit­y from any solution.

But perhaps heresy is exactly what we now need to jolt ourselves out of the stale patterns of thought that have delivered diplomatic debacles and political stalemates across the globe. Putin’s invasion should be the spur to rethink our grand strategies (to make them truly grand) and redesign our statecraft (to evince workable solutions).

Our collective failure of imaginatio­n is on full display everywhere from our atavistic adversaria­l treatment of China to the recent Summit of Americas where discordant views were expelled in hopes that isolation would silence blasphemy. However, history reveals that shunning foes won’t vanquish their views, and rebuffing apostates fosters only more apostasy.

A pivot from a mechanisti­c, billiardba­ll metaphor of geopolitic­s to a quantum perspectiv­e on competitio­n and cooperatio­n, in which foes can be friends and adversarie­s can act as allies, offers a freshness that today’s circumstan­ces demand.

For all our talk about “innovation,” we do very little of it, at least when it comes to our policy stratagems or our epistemolo­gical models. We remain mired in convention tragically oblivious to the turbulence enveloping us.

Geopolitic­ally, we find ourselves in what may be referred to as a “liminal moment” — a transition­al stage in which we struggle to loosen the bonds of past realities while groping for the norms of a new world order. This rite of passage is disorienti­ng, rife with confusion. But experience, from the spiritual to the secular, tells us that transitory disorienta­tion is necessary for developmen­t. Just as pressure births the diamond, geopolitic­al abrasions can unearth precious strategic visions. Yet, the tyranny of orthodoxy marching behind the banner of U.S. exceptiona­lism refuses to countenanc­e any challenge — any confusion — to its cognitive, political and economic standing.

The first step is to realize that new solutions will only follow new modes of thinking. Einstein famously said, “We cannot solve our problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Yet, we persist in trying. What passes as “strategic thinking” today suffers from a deficiency of curiosity and an excess of hubris. A new mode of thinking hinges on creating ways of reconcilin­g our prejudices and presumptio­ns with the prejudices and presumptio­ns of others, moving beyond the either/or straitjack­et of today’s thinking.

What is true for foreign policy is true for domestic policy and the tempestuou­s state of our civic discourse. True leadership, authentic exceptiona­lism, seeks reconcilia­tion while accepting that difference­s will endure, conflict is endemic and long-lasting consensus possibly chimerical.

Let us not squander Putin’s gift but rather accept the paradoxica­l nature of the times and seize this opportunit­y to think and act anew.

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