Daily Press

Burning mouth syndrome in women

- — Eve Glazier, M.D., MBA; and Elizabeth Ko, M.D. Send questions to askthedoct­ors@mednet. ucla.edu

Dear Doctors: I’m 54 years old and post-menopausal. I’ve had increasing issues with my lips for three years. At first, it felt like a persistent sunburn, and now my lips feel as if they are made of tissue paper. I’m otherwise healthy. Changing meds, including hormones, hasn’t helped. What can this be?

Dear Reader: You have described one of the symptoms that can occur in a condition known as burning mouth syndrome. In addition to affecting the lips, it also often involves the mucosal tissues inside of the mouth. These include the gums, inner cheeks, roof of the mouth, tongue and throat.

Burning mouth syndrome can occur in anyone. But it is seen more often in women than in men, particular­ly those experienci­ng perimenopa­use and menopause.

Research suggests it affects menopausal women seven times as often as men, and that up to one-fifth of women in their 50s and older develop the condition.

People with the condition report that it feels as though the inside of their mouth or their tongue, particular­ly at the tip, is burning. Dry mouth, tingling, numbness and a sour or metallic taste are also common. So is dryness and fragility in the tissues of the lips.

This condition is categorize­d by the pattern of someone’s symptoms. In type 1, patients wake up symptom-free, but develop sensations as the day progresses. Type 2 is marked by persistent symptoms while awake, with occasional respite at night. In type 3, symptoms are intermitte­nt and unpredicta­ble.

The collection of symptoms associated with burning mouth syndrome are consistent with other conditions, such as an autoimmune disorder or a fungal infection. And because there is no specific test for burning mouth syndrome, it becomes a diagnosis of exclusion. That means tests for the other conditions that fit the symptoms must be conducted. If those results turn out to be negative, then the process of eliminatio­n may lead to a diagnosis of burning mouth.

Although the hormonal fluctuatio­ns that occur during perimenopa­use and menopause are suspected to play a role in this condition, the specifics of how and why they affect the mucosa of the mouth are not yet clear. One avenue of inquiry suggests that these ongoing hormonal shifts may cause the pain receptors in the mouth to become hypersensi­tive.

Immune function, stress, anxiety, nutritiona­l deficienci­es and nerve damage are also possible triggers.

Absent a clear cause, treatment focuses on managing each person’s specific collection of symptoms. For those with persistent dry mouth, saliva-replacemen­t products can be helpful. Medication­s to reduce symptoms include certain numbing agents, topical creams and ointments, mouth rinses, certain antidepres­sants and hormone replacemen­t therapy. For the sensations of heat or burning, chilled water or ice chips can provide a bit of relief. It is common for a doctor and a dentist to work together to arrive at a multifacet­ed treatment plan.

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