Daily Press

Let students speak for themselves on Israel, Hamas

- By Rachel Burnett Rachel Burnett is a senior at UCLA double majoring in psychology and Middle Eastern studies. She is the national communicat­ions chair for J Street U. She wrote this for the Los Angeles Times.

In the wake of a terror attack in southern Israel and the war taking place inside Israel and the Gaza Strip, American talk shows, pundits and partisans seem to have one question on their minds: What are college students feeling?

All this disproport­ionate attention paid to college campuses actually makes things worse for students who are trying to comprehend this catastroph­e in Israel-Palestine. If people want to know what it is like to be an American college student, then I believe students should tell our own stories.

At my university, at every American university, classes have gone on, parties have continued throughout the weekend, and clubs still pass out fliers on our main walkway. My world, and the world of every other Jewish, Palestinia­n and Israeli student has not continued as usual. We check WhatsApp to see if our loved ones are alive, dead, missing or kidnapped while in lecture. And of course, there are no shortages of protests, statements and social media analyses for us to take part in.

As someone who has spent most of my college career attempting to engage my peers on the history and present reality in Israel-Palestine, I have long been frustrated by propagandi­st organizati­ons that believe their “side” is deserving of unconditio­nal support. The purpose of college should be to nurture and develop ideas and solutions, so it’s not surprising that these outside groups seek to recruit students.

The truth is that as some students have explored and developed ideas, some truly contemptib­le viewpoints have been shared and platformed, and students on my campus are not immune from this.

Individual­s and student groups have issued statements that have elided or even praised the brutal massacres that Hamas perpetrate­d as being done in the name of “decoloniza­tion,” “liberation” and/or “resistance.” No one who perpetuate­s this utterly immoral view should be considered a serious commentato­r on the situation in Israel-Palestine. However, one should condemn ideas, abhorrent as they may be, and not individual­s.

Each viral sound bite, each video of a rally splashed across our screens paints an image of college campuses as deeply hostile to any student who dares show their sympathies toward the Israeli people in their darkest hour. In reality, I believe that most students genuinely care about all civilians affected by the terror attack on Israeli soil as well as the humanitari­an crisis currently taking place in Gaza — even students who may be uninformed or misguided in their analyses.

Yet outside organizati­ons have seized upon these moments to dox and harass students on college campuses, creating a toxic culture that generally begins online and bleeds into real-life threats.

At the same time, the majority of students, who want to learn out of curiosity and compassion, are often afraid to seek out informatio­n on fraught issues or to engage in any meaningful discussion. This kind of climate makes every student less safe.

Israeli, Palestinia­n and Jewish students are profoundly hurting right now. I have a Palestinia­n friend from Gaza who lost 23 family members, an Israeli friend who identified the corpse of her ex-boyfriend while scrolling through social media — and I am lucky to be one degree of separation from these horrors. We are all learning how to navigate a cruel world that allows such atrocities to occur. What all of us, but especially college students, need first and foremost is compassion.

We need space of our own to mourn and pray for our loved ones. And, through our grief, we must mobilize and educate our university communitie­s. Together, we can create a new generation that will build a world where the promise of Isaiah will come true, where “nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”

The truth is that as some students have explored and developed ideas, some truly contemptib­le viewpoints have been shared and platformed.

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