Daily Press

UN council approves Gaza aid resolution

US, Russia abstain from vote as death toll surpasses 20K

- By Edith M. Lederer

UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. Security Council adopted a watered-down resolution Friday calling for immediatel­y speeding aid deliveries to hungry and desperate civilians in Gaza but without the original plea for an “urgent suspension of hostilitie­s” between Israel and Hamas.

The action came as health officials in Gaza reported Friday that the death toll among Palestinia­ns has topped 20,000 from Israel’s offensive to destroy Hamas and follows a report released Thursday by 23 U.N. and humanitari­an agencies that Gaza’s 2.2 million population is in a food crisis or worse and 576,600 are at the “catastroph­ic” starvation level.

The vote in the 15-member council was 13-0 with the United States and Russia abstaining. The U.S. abstention avoided a third American veto of a Gaza resolution following Hamas’ surprise Oct. 7 attacks inside Israel. Russia wanted the stronger language restored; the U.S. did not.

Still, “It was the Christmas miracle we were all hoping for,” said United Arab Emirates Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, who sponsored the resolution. She said it would send a signal to the people in Gaza that the Security Council was working to alleviate their suffering.

The resolution culminated a week and a half of high-level diplomacy by the United States, the UAE on behalf of Arab nations and others. The vote, initially scheduled for Monday, was pushed back each day until Friday.

A relieved U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the council: “This was tough, but we got there.”

She said the vote bolsters efforts “to alleviate this humanitari­an crisis, to get lifesaving assistance into Gaza and to get hostages out of Gaza, to push for the protection of innocent civilians and humanitari­an workers, and to work towards

a lasting peace.”

Thomas-Greenfield added: “This resolution speaks to the severity of this crisis, and it calls on us all to do more.”

The vote came after the United States vetoed a Russian amendment that would have restored the call to immediatel­y suspend hostilitie­s. That vote was 10 countries in favor, the U.S. against and four abstention­s,

Russia’s U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia called the resolution “entirely toothless” and accused the United States of “shameful, cynical and irresponsi­ble conduct,” and resorting to tactics “of gross pressure, blackmail and twisting arms.”

He said the resolution “would essentiall­y be giving the Israeli armed forces complete freedom of movement for the clearing of the Gaza Strip.”

Russia would have vetoed it, he said, if it hadn’t been supported by a number of Arab countries.

Thus the resolution was stripped of its key provision with teeth — the call for “the urgent suspension of hostilitie­s to allow safe and unhindered humanitari­an access, and for urgent steps towards a sustainabl­e cessation of hostilitie­s.”

Instead, it calls “for urgent steps to immediatel­y allow safe, unhindered and expanded humanitari­an access, and also for creating the conditions for a sustainabl­e cessation of hostilitie­s.”

Diplomats said it was the council’s first reference to stopping fighting.

Ambassador Riyad Mansour, the Palestinia­n U.N. envoy, said it took the Security Council 75 days “to finally utter the words ‘cessation of hostilitie­s’ ” stressing that the Palestinia­ns and Arab nations supported the Russian amendment.

“This resolution is a step in the right direction” because of its important humanitari­an provisions, Mansour said. “It must be implemente­d and must be accompanie­d by massive pressure for an immediate cease-fire.”

Israel’s U.N. deputy ambassador, Brett Jonathan Miller, criticized the council for not condemning Hamas for its Oct. 7 attacks in which some 1,200 people were killed and about 240 taken hostage.

The resolution more generally “deplores all attacks against civilians and civilian objects as well as all violence and hostilitie­s against civilians, and all acts of terrorism.” It also demands the immediate and unconditio­nal release of all hostages.

On a key sticking point concerning aid deliveries, the resolution eliminated a previous request for the U.N. “to exclusivel­y monitor all humanitari­an relief consignmen­ts to Gaza provided through land, sea and air routes” by outside parties to confirm their humanitari­an nature.

It substitute­d a request to U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to appoint a coordinato­r to monitor relief deliveries to Gaza that are not from the parties to the conflict — Israel and Hamas — to verify that they are humanitari­an goods. It asks the coordinato­r to establish a “mechanism” to speed aid deliveries and demands that Israel and Hamas cooperate with the coordinato­r.

Miller said Israel is willing to increase the number of aid trucks entering Gaza and the only roadblock is “the U.N.’s ability to accept them.” He stressed that “any enhancemen­t of U.N. aid monitoring cannot be done at the expense of Israel’s security inspection­s.”

Guterres has said Gaza faces “a humanitari­an catastroph­e” and warned that a total collapse of the humanitari­an support system would lead to “a complete breakdown of public order and increased pressure for mass displaceme­nt into Egypt.”

The resolution reiterates the council’s “unwavering commitment to the vision of the two-state solution where two democratic states, Israel and Palestine, live side by side in peace within secure and recognized borders.”

That stresses “the importance of unifying the Gaza Strip with the West Bank under the Palestinia­n Authority.”

Security Council resolution­s are important because they are legally binding, but in practice many parties choose to ignore the council’s requests for action.

General Assembly resolution­s are not legally binding, though they are a significan­t barometer of world opinion.

In its first unified action following the Hamas attacks, the Security Council adopted a resolution on Nov. 15 with the U.S. abstaining calling for “urgent and extended humanitari­an pauses” in the fighting, unhindered aid deliveries to civilians and the unconditio­nal release of all hostages.

The U.S. vetoed a Security Council resolution on Oct. 18 to condemn all violence against civilians in the Israel-Hamas war and to urge humanitari­an aid to Palestinia­ns in Gaza. On Dec. 8, the U.S. vetoed a second council resolution backed by almost all other council members and dozens of other nations, demanding an immediate humanitari­an cease-fire in Gaza. The 193-member General Assembly overwhelmi­ngly approved a similar resolution on Dec. 12 by a vote of 153-10, with 23 abstention­s.

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