Daily Press

Boost your indoor garden’s beauty


Whether your indoor garden has outgrown its location or you are looking to expand your garden, a bit of pinching, pruning or propagatin­g may be the answer. Grooming houseplant­s keeps your indoor garden looking its best and plants contained to the available space. You can use some of the trimmings to start new plants.

Give plants with long, leggy stems a pinch. Removing a small or large portion of the growing tip encourages the plant to form more branches and compact growth. Pinching removes a growth hormone produced in the stem tip called auxin. This hormone encourages upward growth of the stem. Removing the stem tip reduces the auxin and allows more branches to develop along the stem.

A soft pinch removes just the uppermost portion of the stem with developing leaves and the stem tip. A hard pinch, more like pruning, removes the tip and several inches of the leafy stem. These stem pieces can be used to start new plants.

Some gardeners pinch with their fingers, but I prefer using sharp snips like Corona Tools ComfortGel micro snips with stainless steel blades that resist the buildup of plant residue or Corona bypass pruners that make a clean cut that closes quickly and looks better.

When pinching and pruning your houseplant­s make the cuts just above a set of leaves. The plant remains relatively attractive while you wait for new leaves and stems to grow. Avoid leaving stubs by making cuts elsewhere as these detract from the

plant’s appearance and can create entryways for insects and disease.

Houseplant­s can be propagated in several different ways. Avoid propagatin­g patented plants protected by patent laws. These laws are designed to protect the investment of the plant breeder. Respecting patent laws allows companies to continue breeding improvemen­ts into plants for all of us to enjoy in the future.

Use leaf stem cuttings

to start a variety of houseplant­s such as philodendr­ons, pothos, dieffenbac­hias, dracaenas and jade plants. Use a sharp knife, snips or bypass pruner to cut 3- to 6-inchlong pieces from firm, mature, non-woody stems.

Remove the lowest leaf or two that will be buried in the potting mix. This is where new roots will form. If you have had trouble rooting cuttings in the past, try using rooting hormone labeled for use on houseplant­s.

It contains fungicides to fight disease and hormones to encourage root developmen­t.

Root cuttings in a small container filled with vermiculit­e or a welldraine­d potting mix. Make a hole in the mix, insert the cut end and gently push the potting mix around the stem. Loosely cover the potted cutting with a plastic bag left open at the top. This increases the humidity around the cutting to compensate for the lack of


Set the container in a bright location out of direct sun for several weeks as roots develop. Give the stem a gentle tug to see if roots have formed. Move the rooted cutting into a container filled with welldraine­d potting mix, place it in a location with the proper amount of sunlight and water as needed.

You’ll be amazed at how a bit of grooming and propagatin­g can perk up a tired indoor garden.

Share or trade extraroote­d cuttings with family and friends so each of you can grow your indoor garden and memories.

Melinda Myers has written more than 20 gardening books, including “The Midwest Gardener’s Handbook” and “Small Space Gardening.” She hosts the Great Courses’ “How to Grow Anything” DVD series and the syndicated “Melinda’s Garden Moment” program on TV and radio.

 ?? TNS ?? Grooming houseplant­s keeps your indoor garden looking its best and plants contained to the available space.
TNS Grooming houseplant­s keeps your indoor garden looking its best and plants contained to the available space.

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