Daily Press

Mitch McConnell


Re “McConnell to cede top Senate role” (Feb 29). Sen. Mitch McConnell has been in Congress since 1985 and is the longest serving party leader in American history. He will step down in November, thank goodness.

His often-stated purpose was to block Democratic presidents’ initiative­s.

In 2016, as Senate leader, he held up then-President Barack Obama’s nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court for about a year, rationaliz­ing that the ballot box is the ultimate decider.

However, in the late months of the 2020 presidenti­al election, then-President Donald Trump’s nomination of Judge Amy Barrett moved rapidly during the final weeks of voting, bringing about the eventual selection of a third conservati­ve judge. Hypocrisy at its best.

Having helped get approved numerous conservati­ve judges to the federal bench, McConnell dramatical­ly shaped the judicial system, manifestin­g a lasting effect on our jurisprude­nce system. This demonstrat­ed a serious existentia­l threat to our democracy, exemplifie­d by recent epoch judicial decisions. His most egregious act was his designed inaction to muster his party’s support to convict the former president while dealing with two impeachmen­t trials. Trump’s conviction could have prevented him from running for any office. If McConnell had held Trump accountabl­e, that could have spared America from the political carnage emboldened by the former president and his MAGA-cult group over the past several years.

Had McConnell demonstrat­ed courageous leadership in 2020-21, the country may have heard a repeat of Gerald Ford’s quote, “My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over.” What cowardly leadership.

— David N. Camaione, Virginia Beach

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