Daily Press

Latinos switching parties Dems’ latest problem

- By Christian Paz Vox Christian Paz is a senior politics reporter at Vox. Based in Washington, D.C., he covers the trends, issues and movements changing America’s political parties.

Since 2020, one of the major questions hanging over the 2024 election is whether Latino voters will continue to ditch Democrats in favor of the GOP. Now, a new national poll of Latino voters offers some warning signs for Republican­s as well as Democrats as the general election crystalliz­es: A sizable chunk of Latino voters appear to be willing to rethink their party loyalties.

Some 19.4%, or about 1 in 5 Latino voters, say they have considered changing their political affiliatio­n either by switching parties or becoming independen­ts, according to a national survey released by Florida Internatio­nal University (FIU) and the marketing firm Adsmovil. A majority of those wavering voters (61.1%) say they’d be open to leaving the Democratic Party and a plurality of those Democratic waverers (38.1%) would become Republican­s.

To be sure, a majority of Latino respondent­s say they are still pretty firm in their political identity and affiliatio­n. Democrats — including President Joe Biden — still win the support of an outright majority of Latino voters.

Some caveats are also in order when looking at polls: This result is just one data point — a snapshot in time at the end of 2023. And the election is still eight months away, so dynamics could definitely change.

But it’s a large, high-quality piece of data — a nationally representa­tive sample of 1,221 Latino voters instead of an extrapolat­ion from a tiny crosstab sample of a few hundred. Since 2020, other surveys and election results have also shown that Democrats are struggling to retain the support of Latino voters and reverse Republican gains. This FIU report suggests that trend is continuing.

Looking at survey data from 1994 to 2017, the Pew Research Center reports that partisan affiliatio­n among all registered voters has generally not changed in those two decades. The same has been true for Hispanic and Latino voters in the years for which Pew has data available. But more recently, those allegiance­s have shifted a bit — to Democrats’ detriment. Trump made electoral gains with Latinos in 2020 that Republican candidates were generally able to keep during the 2022 midterms. And the Democratic advantage in Latino partisan affiliatio­n began to shrink during and after Trump’s presidency.

And this is where the FIU/Adsmovil study adds new insights: Those 19% of Hispanic and Latino voters who say they’d be open to switching parties are mostly voters who’d be open to leaving the Democratic coalition.

More specifical­ly, 38.1% of these wavering voters would flip affiliatio­n from Democratic to Republican. An additional 23% would switch from Democratic to independen­t.

There’s a silver lining for Democrats among self-described independen­t Latino voters who are considerin­g a change. There, 9% would become Democrats, as opposed to the 5.3% who would become Republican­s.

These numbers confirm a finding from Pew after the 2022 midterms that, though partisan affiliatio­n has been relatively stable for most of the last 20 years, the future of these patterns “remains uncertain.” According to Pew, there are about 1 in 10 Latino voters who call themselves Democrat or Republican but hold political and ideologica­l views that are much closer to the opposite political party.

These figures all suggest that Republican­s have a big opportunit­y in 2024 to reorder demographi­c and political coalitions. But it won’t be easy.

When asked which political party would better handle specific issues, Democrats still receive the support of a majority of Latino voters on traditiona­lly Democratic topics, such as education or health care, in this FIU/Adsmovil study. But they only get a plurality of support on the economy, immigratio­n and foreign policy — areas that make sense for Republican­s to center as campaign issues this cycle.

There will be more to complicate the path for Republican­s: Latino voters have a lower propensity to vote, to be tuned into the political cycle at this point, and to hear from political candidates, meaning they’ll have to invest heavily in outreach and specific messaging to these communitie­s. Democrats have a slight leg up on this, given how much they have relied on Latino voters before.

But all the signs are pointing toward an electorate in churn. It may still shift a lot in the coming months, and it may surprise a lot of people come November.

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