Daily Press

Third party needed

- — Lee Matthews, Hampton

The upcoming election is shaping up to be one of the biggest embarrassm­ents that our republic has ever seen. The letters to the editor that I have read here have been hilarious.

No political party has ever been 100% correct on every issue. The tea party with its forced evangelism is just as dangerous as the entitled attitude of the democratic socialists. As Aristotle intimated with the “golden mean,” the answer is in the middle.

The right is misguided on social issues, and the left is misguided on fiscal issues. However, I have seen more hypocrisy from the left. They criticize former President Donald Trump, but do not offer any viable alternativ­e from their side. They ridicule someone such as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, but seem to be totally oblivious to Rep. Maxine Waters.

Before we go out to vote, let’s review a few facts. The U.S. is not, never has been, and was never intended to be a mob-rule democracy. We are a constituti­onal republic, as the Founding Fathers disliked the idea of direct democracy.

Also, the U.S. is not any kind of Christian nation. The Establishm­ent Clause makes sure of that. There are about 4,000 recognized religions in the world. According to the Pew Research Center, only 63% of Americans identify as Christian. About 29% classify themselves as religiousl­y unaffiliat­ed, and that number grows slightly every year.

We need a third party that utilizes common sense, is fiscally conservati­ve and socially liberal, that believes in the Second Amendment and a strong military, keeps religion out of government, supports “love who you love” and a woman’s right to choose, and promotes personal liberty and responsibi­lity with the absolute minimum of government interventi­on — just as our original Constituti­on intended.

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