Daily Press

Giving Richmond a ‘fresh perspectiv­e’

Suffolk delegate, 28, strives to get young voters involved

- By Thailon Wilson

RICHMOND — Del. Nadarius Clark is the General Assembly’s youngest member. And at 28, the Hampton Roads native strives to get more young people involved in politics.

Clark first came to Richmond to attend Virginia Union University, where he studied fine arts, including music and theater. He became involved in politics through activism after graduation.

He worked as a campaign organizer with U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, the state’s governor from 2006-10. That is when Clark said he “learned to meet people where they are” and find out what issues are important to them.

Kaine noticed Clark’s drive to “bring real, lasting, and positive change.”

“Young people can bring a fresh perspectiv­e and an urgency to critical issues facing our country, which is why I think it’s critical that we have more young people consider public service to serve the community,” Kaine stated.

Clark sees himself as fighting for more than just the people in the 84th District, or Virginia.

“This is a fight that I am doing, you know, nationally, with a lot of other good young people that’s stepping up to the fight and joining in,” said Clark, a Democrat from Suffolk.

Clark first won public office at 26 and is serving his second term. The minimum age to run for a state legislativ­e seat is 21. His peers thought he was too young, and should have more “life experience” Clark said.

“Ageism is sadly still alive, but you have to combat it by showing up as who you are every single day,” Clark said.

Government will work more “efficientl­y and effectivel­y” when all voices are heard and represente­d — from lawmaking to the state budget and appointing judges, he said.

“That means all ages and all demographi­cs, all religion, religious groups, all genders and gender identities, you know, all should be welcomed,” Clark said.

The average age of politician­s in Congress is just under 61, according to Statista. The average age in Virginia’s General Assembly is just under 54, according to Virginia Public Access Project data.

“There’s no problem with having that age group, but when it’s one group that clearly dominates the governing body, then we have a problem,” Clark said.

Although just over 25% of the population is from 21-34, only 5.7% of the state legislatur­e falls in that age range, according to VPAP.

There are problems Clark’s generation faces that are completely new, especially with technology such as social media and artificial intelligen­ce, he said.

“If you didn’t grow up in certain things, you don’t have certain experience­s,” Clark said. “We all have something to offer. If you’re a baby boomer, if you’re a millennial, if you’re a Gen Z — we all bring something to the table.”

Clark wants to give younger people an opportunit­y to experience the General Assembly, something he did not have in high school or middle school. He invited over 200 students from Hampton Roadsarea high schools to visit and learn about the legislativ­e process, and created summer internship­s for young adults.

“We get young people seeing things and being in different environmen­ts that they might not be used to,” Clark said. “We get them involved with their delegates.’

Clark’s connection to the community left an impression on neighborin­g legislator Del. Shelly Simonds, D-Newport News, who has held office since 2020.

“He as a candidate would always show up to community forums and community events,” Simonds said.

That connection to the region and to the younger generation has influenced Clark’s legislatio­n, Simonds said. Clark has tackled issues such as medical debt, teacher pay, rent control, water quality, microplast­ics and climate change.

“He’s really connected to what the future looks like for his generation if we don’t deal with climate change and sea level rise, especially in Hampton Roads,” Simonds said. “Sea level rise is a huge deal for us.”

Clark is beginning to hit a legislativ­e stride under a Democratic majority in the House.

He took office in 2022 when Republican­s had just reclaimed a House majority. He introduced 24 bills in his first term, but most did not survive the committees. His bill to expand the payment term for medical debt passed, but was vetoed.

This session, the start of his second term, he introduced 15 bills. His six bills on medical debt, firearm safety, teacher pay, firemen retirement and fentanyl awareness passed and are waiting action from Gov. Glenn Youngkin.

The bill to require a firearm locking device in homes with a minor was recently vetoed.

“I think it’s inspiring for young people to see someone like Nadarius in office making a difference, standing up for them, giving speeches, saying what they would say,” Simonds said.

She hopes Clark’s service will inspire younger voters.

College-aged people are among the largest voting block, yet tend to have the lowest turnout in elections, Almost 23% of Virginia voters ages 18-29 voted in the 2022 midterm election, a 10.5 decrease from the 2018 turnout, according to the Center for Informatio­n & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts University.

But 2022 midterm turnout was still higher for that age group than in 2014.

When young voters turn out, they are more likely to have better representa­tion, according to Kaine.

“There is so much on the line for younger voters including the future of our planet, good-paying jobs, and reproducti­ve freedom — and to make their voices heard so that our country gives every person a chance,” Kaine stated.

 ?? JAY PAUL/FREELANCE ?? “We all have something to offer . ... We all bring something to the table,” said Del. Nadarius Clark.
JAY PAUL/FREELANCE “We all have something to offer . ... We all bring something to the table,” said Del. Nadarius Clark.

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