Daily Press

Canada shows world how immigratio­n can work

- By Tyler Cowen Tyler Cowen is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist, a professor of economics at George Mason University and host of the Marginal Revolution blog.

Canada’s population surpassed 40 million last year, recording its highest growth rate since 1957. The vast majority of this growth — 97.6% — was from internatio­nal migration, both permanent (almost 500,000 people) and temporary ( just more than 800,000). As a cosmopolit­an and classical liberal, I applaud this kind of openness. Yet it also worries me.

It’s not just Canada — Ireland, New Zealand and the U.K. are seeing historical­ly high levels of immigratio­n as well. How long will citizens of these countries continue to accept this trend? Who exactly benefits, and how? Why hasn’t the backlash been stronger?

After all, immigrants do not bring an immediate economic boom. When New Zealand closed its borders during COVID, for example, output did not fall, and the post-pandemic resumption of immigratio­n did not cause a noticeable boost.

In the U.K., meanwhile, economic stagnation has accompanie­d a wave of immigratio­n.

Whatever the benefits of the migrant arrivals may be, they lie in the more distant future, which does not help its political popularity now.

And yet, for all the cultural and economic adjustment­s immigratio­n may require, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that, for many countries, high rates of immigratio­n are simply flat-out necessary.

In Canada, for instance, the current fertility rate is about 1.33 children per woman, the lowest on record, and it probably would have been lower yet without recent immigrant arrivals. Canada’s geography also argues for more immigratio­n. It is likely to have much more usable territory, due to global warming, so a much larger population is feasible. If Canada wants to maintain a reasonable balance of power with the U.S., and have the resources to develop and protect its Arctic and Arctic-adjacent areas, it needs a commensura­tely large population and economy.

In general, Canada — like Ireland, where the fertility rate is about 1.77, higher than in Canada but still below replacemen­t — faces a choice: Either take in migrants or depopulate.

Perhaps one reason voters are tolerating such high migration rates is an intuitive fear of living in an empty, stagnant country.

Voters tend to want their country to be able to project influence and defend its interests.

Economic debates about immigratio­n typically focus on the wage effects on domestic workers, and there the impact of immigratio­n is often neutral or marginal. But the more important effects of immigratio­n may be more impression­istic: how it affects people’s views of their own country and what it’s like to live there, as well as its global reputation.

In this sense, Canada is ahead of much of the rest of the world in seeing the importance of these factors and turning it into actionable policy. It is willing to give up some of its present cultural identity to achieve a brighter cultural and political future.

This trade-off is much better than it looks at first. For one thing, birth rates for native-born citizens may fall further than they have already. If a country wants to preserve its national culture, it may be better off allowing more migration now, when there is still a critical mass of native-born citizens to ease assimilati­on.

To put the point more generally: Whatever costs there might be to immigratio­n, successful nations will have to deal with them sooner or later. And the sooner they do, the better off they will be. The choice is not so much between more immigratio­n and less immigratio­n, but rather a lot of immigratio­n now or a lot later.

One of the most common criticisms of immigrants is that they push up real estate prices. Yet there is a home-grown explanatio­n: Stringent regulation­s on building make it difficult for the supply of housing to respond when demand increases.

My argument is not that there aren’t short-run transition costs to high levels of immigratio­n — especially in housing, where Canada is seeing some now. In the long term, however, more immigratio­n is better for a country than less. To me, the question is not so much why Canada and similar countries are allowing so much immigratio­n. It is how long voters in these countries will allow this experiment to continue.

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