Daily Press

Staffers offer promising ideas for fixing Congress

- By Bradford Fitch

After watching President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, it would be easy to conclude that members of Congress have little interest in, and do not value, civility, bipartisan­ship and collaborat­ion as a means to address the challenges our nation faces. But a recent survey of some other folks who were also in the House chamber the same night shows those principles are still respected on Capitol Hill. These people are the men and women who work as staff in Congress.

The Congressio­nal Management Foundation conducted a survey of senior congressio­nal staff late last year and the results offer a roadmap to improving Congress as an institutio­n. It also showed some positive signs that when members of Congress work in a civil and bipartisan fashion, they can actually improve our democratic institutio­ns.

The survey and study, “The State of the Congress 2024,” is by no means a ringing endorsemen­t of the legislativ­e branch. In fact, when staffers were asked whether they agree with the statement, “Congress currently functions as a democratic legislatur­e should,” only 19% agreed.

“Dictating is not governing, and governing requires compromise, which seems to be more difficult to obtain with the recent classes of representa­tives,” said a legislativ­e director for a House Republican.

Yet civility and bipartisan­ship were clearly identified as necessary for Congress to succeed. Republican­s (85%) and Democrats (70%) said civility was “very important” to a functionin­g legislatur­e; and 60% of Republican­s and 51% of Democrats said encouragin­g bipartisan­ship was “very important.” And a large number (96% of Democrats and 98% of Republican­s) agreed that “it is necessary for Senators and Representa­tives to collaborat­e across party lines to best meet the needs of the nation.”

One disturbing finding arising from the research is the increasing state of fear for staff working in the institutio­n. “The mental strain of dealing with constituen­t anger is burdening. I can certainly understand the balance of access to our elected officials and safety. But the vitriol has gotten worse every year that I have worked for Congress,” said a House

Democratic district director.

Democrats (68%) and Republican­s (73%) similarly report personally experienci­ng “direct insulting or threatenin­g messages or communicat­ion” at least “somewhat frequently.” It’s alarming that there are people who feel it’s OK to spew vitriol at congressio­nal staff and fire off death threats to elected officials.

Yet the research did yield some good news. Since 2019, the House of Representa­tives has engaged in a bipartisan and constructi­ve effort to improve the capacity of the institutio­n to function. The Select Committee on the Modernizat­ion of Congress and the new Subcommitt­ee on Modernizat­ion are model efforts in problem-solving in legislatur­es. We compared the recent survey results with identical questions posed to similar congressio­nal staff in 2022, and in every area staff satisfacti­on improved. Staff satisfacti­on with Congress’ access to high-quality, nonpartisa­n expertise more than doubled in two years. Similarly, satisfacti­on with the technologi­cal infrastruc­ture also doubled the “very satisfied” rating.

“While there is always more that can be done, over the years I’ve worked at the House I think there’s been an impressive evolution in support services offered to employees,” said a House Democratic chief of staff.

The leaders of these efforts are to be commended as outstandin­g public servants seeking solutions to institutio­nal problems. The chairs and vice chairs of these congressio­nal panels — Reps. Derek Kilmer, D-Wash.; William Timmon, R-S.C.; and Stephanie Bice, R-Okla. — have demonstrat­ed remarkable creativity, persistenc­e, and collaborat­ion to enact genuine and tangible reforms to how Congress operates.

While recent research shows Congress has a long way to go to reach the vision of our founders to build “a more perfect union,” congressio­nal staff have offered both confirmati­on that progress can be made in this area and guidance on what still needs to be done.

Bradford Fitch is the president and CEO of the Congressio­nal Management Foundation and a former congressio­nal staffer. He wrote this for The Fulcrum, an outlet covering what’s making democracy dysfunctio­nal and efforts to fix our governing systems.

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