Daily Press

Biden or Trump? Maybe the US needs two presidents.

- By A.J. Jacobs A.J. Jacobs is a journalist, podcaster and author. His next book, “The Year of Living Constituti­onally,” will be published May 7. He wrote this for the Los Angeles Times.

At the Constituti­onal Convention in 1787, Pennsylvan­ia delegate James Wilson brought up a seemingly un-American idea. He said the executive branch of America’s government should be headed by a single person: a president.

Several constituti­onal delegates objected. A single leader at the helm? Virginia delegate Edmund Randolph said this was the “fetus of monarchy.” America had just fought a bloody war to free themselves of a king. Why would they want another?

Wilson eventually persuaded the other delegates that several presidents would cause too much infighting, and the states voted 7 to 3 for a single president.

But what if Randolph was right? Modern presidents exercise power undreamed of by the Founding Fathers.

Consider that George Washington issued eight executive orders in eight years while Barack Obama issued 276 in his eight years and Donald Trump 220 in just four. Or look at war powers, which are supposed to be divided. The Constituti­on gives Congress the power to declare war and the president the job of prosecutin­g that war. But now, for the most part, the president starts, executes and ends conflicts.

Perhaps we should revive that runner-up idea from the Constituti­onal Convention and split up the presidency. Break it into pieces like we did Ma Bell in the 1980s.

I first stumbled upon this admittedly unlikely notion when studying James Madison’s notes from the Constituti­onal Convention while working on a book in which I tried to understand the original meaning of the Constituti­on and exercise all of my rights. I decided to use my 1st Amendment right to petition Congress, asking it to reconsider the idea of three presidents.

After a couple of weeks, I had 300 signatures and just as many skeptics who refused. I knew it was a long shot. And honestly, I’m not sure I wanted it to succeed. But I wanted to use the topic as a way to highlight the problem of our country’s steroidal presidenti­al power.

Is a poly-presidency even possible? Switzerlan­d is ruled by an executive council of seven politician­s, each from a different region. Each council member serves a one-year term as the ostensible head, but the role is mostly ceremonial. Decisions are made by majority vote. Does it work? According to the nonpartisa­n V-Dem Institute, Switzerlan­d ranks first in the world for participat­ory democracy. (The United States ranks 25th.)

Some of the Founders had a similar system in mind. Randolph suggested three presidents, one each from the North, South and middle states. Or perhaps it would be better to have the top three vote-getters from anywhere in the country.

Some who were skeptical of my petition wondered if a poly-presidency would create more gridlock. My responses include: Switzerlan­d seems to work. Also, if the decisions merely need a majority of presidents (as opposed to unanimity), could a triumvirat­e really cause such a slowdown? And third, maybe more speed bumps in the presidency would be a feature, not a bug. The Founders recognized the importance of hurdles to reduce rash decisions. The problem now is that Congress has too many speed bumps and the president too few.

I eventually brought my petition to a meeting with Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. He was surprising­ly supportive: “You are injecting logic and common sense, which often is lacking in public discourse.”

So did I have the senator’s backing? “I’ll give it some considerat­ion,” he said, and then clarified: “That’s what’s called an under-promise.”

Wyden won’t advocate for co-presidents, but he did agree that we need to curb the expanding power of the office of president.

We can accomplish this in many ways without radically restructur­ing the government. One idea: Nix the supermajor­ity requiremen­t in the Senate. To pass any real legislatio­n, the Senate now needs a supermajor­ity of 60 votes.

Another strategy would be for Congress to reclaim some of its constituti­onal powers. In fact, the very morning of my meeting with Wyden, he had met with the Biden administra­tion about getting Congress to reclaim some of the power to set tariffs.

I wished the senator Godspeed, and I think the Founders would too.

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