Daily Southtown (Sunday)

May explores fourth vote on her Brexit deal

Britain facing calls for unity government

- By Danica Kirka

LONDON — The United Kingdom may be forced to create a national unity government to end the impasse over Britain leaving the European Union, as Prime Minister Theresa May clings to the Brexit divorce agreement that Parliament has rejected three times, a senior Conservati­ve suggested Saturday.

Former Education Secretary Nicky Morgan’s comments came a day after the House of Commons rebuffed the prime minister’s call for lawmakers to “put aside self and party,” sending her Brexit deal to its latest defeat. The rejection leaves the U.K. facing the prospect of a chaotic departure from the EU in two weeks — unless politician­s can put aside their difference­s and engineer a long delay in the process of leaving the bloc.

The British Parliament will vote Monday on Brexit alternativ­es in an attempt to find an idea that can command amajority.

But May’s government is considerin­g a fourth vote on her deal, bolstered by their success in narrowing her margin of defeat to 58 votes Friday from 230 votes in January.

“If the government refused and Theres a May felt she could not implement what Parliament had identified as a way of leaving the EU, then I think we would have to think very hard about whether a cross-party coalition could do that in order to make sure that the U.K. does leave the EU in an orderly fashion,” Morgan told the BBC.

Britain has in the past had national unity government­s in times of national crisis, such as World War II. But critics point out such coalitions were forged when there was a single goal — such as defeating Nazi Germany. It is unclear now how Britain’s political parties would agree to cooperate on Brexit, which has split the country and its two major political parties, May’s ruling Conservati­ves and the opposition Labour Party.

After Friday’s vote, the U.K. is scheduled to leave the EU on April 12, regardless of whether the two sides have reached an agreement to cushion the impact. That has led to concerns about crippling tariffs, border gridlock and shortages of food and medicines.

EU officials have suggested, however, they may agree to a lengthy delay to Britain’s departure fromthe bloc if U.K. politician­s agree on a plan.

The House of Commons on Wednesday began the process of debating alternativ­es to May’s deal but rejected all eight proposals they considered. Two ideas, a customs union with the EU and a second referendum on any deal, achieved significan­t support.

Hilary Benn, a Labour Party lawmaker who chairs Parliament’s Brexit committee, dismissed criticism that the parliament­ary process was a failure because it didn’t deliver a majority in the first roundof voting. Benn said he hopes the latest defeat for May’s deal will “concentrat­e minds” and help build a clear majority for one of the Brexit options.

“Since it took 2 3⁄ years

4 for the government to get what it had negotiated defeated three times, it’s a little bit harsh on Parliament, when it started the process last Wednesday, for not having immediatel­y solved the problem in 24 hours,” Benn said. “So I think a little bit more time is a perfectly reasonable thing to provide aswe try and find away forward.”

While Benn and Morgan are pushing for compromise, others are demanding the Conservati­ve-led government not cave in.

Some hard-line Conservati­ve Party lawmakers have written to May insisting that she not agree to a Brexit extension beyond May 22, which would force the U.K. to take part in the May 23-26 European Parliament elections, The Sun newspaper reported. The letter, signed by 170 members of the prime minister’s party, called on May to bring her deal back to Parliament for a fourth vote, with the threat of a general election if it is rejected again, the newspaper said.

“We should be doing everything we can to leave the European Union in good order as quickly as we can, as we said in our manifesto and as we’ve said to Parliament,” said Brandon Lewis, a Cabinet member and chairman of the Conservati­ve Party. “I think the deal is the right way to do that.”

The bloc also is trying to ensure an open border between EU member Ireland and the U.K.’s Northern Ireland — something both sides have agreed to. Checkpoint­s there were a source of great tensions during the bloody Irish “troubles” from 1968 until the Good Friday peace agreement was sealed in 1998.

 ?? PAUL FAITH/GETTY-AFP ?? Sinn Fein Northern Leader Michelle O’Neill, center, joins protesters Saturday against any barrier between Ireland and Northern Ireland. Barrier fears are rising over a no-deal Brexit.
PAUL FAITH/GETTY-AFP Sinn Fein Northern Leader Michelle O’Neill, center, joins protesters Saturday against any barrier between Ireland and Northern Ireland. Barrier fears are rising over a no-deal Brexit.
 ??  ?? May

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