Daily Southtown (Sunday)



(04/07/19). Learn valuable tricks this year. Career expansion arises with focus and determinat­ion. Receive a valuable gift. Summer brings domestic bliss and shifting profession­al dreams. Your career blossoms next winter, leading to household repairs and upgrades. Expand your horizons through educationa­l exploratio­n.


To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challengin­g.

(March 21April 19)— Today is an 8— Profitable opportunit­ies arise. Learn fromsomeon­e who exhibits selfdiscip­line. Discusswor­k with an experience­d friend or relation. An intensely creative moment flows naturally.


(April 20-May 20)— Today is a 9— Strengthen your personal infrastruc­ture. Clean rooms and spaces. Upgrade yourwardro­be or style. Get advice fromsomeon­e trusted. Cash in coupons. Find hidden value.


(May 21June 20)— Today is a 5— Update your plans. Formulate the vision and plot your course. It’s all coming together perfectly. Share dreams and goals with your inner circle.


(June 21-July 22)— Today is an 8— Teamwork is especially essential. Provide your share. Coordinate to take advantage of member talents. Recognize the value of the past. Build on the shoulders of giants.


(July 23-Aug. 22)— Today is a 9— It’s showtime! A profession­al challenge has your focus. Get experience­d guidance. Dress for success, and provide leadership. Be careful and thorough to advance.


(Aug. 23Sept. 22)— Today is an 8— Make your deadlines and connection­s. Reach out, and broaden your horizons. Gather support for your project. Accept assistance from an experience­d elder.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)— Today is a 9— Repay favors, debts and bills. Stay in communicat­ion for peace of mind all around. Keep your agreements. Visualize immense success with a shared venture.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)— Today is a 7— Your charm is captivatin­g. Show respect, and win someone’s heart. Don’t try to bend the rules. Ask what is so, rather than guessing. You’re learning about love.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)— Today is an 8— Discuss your fitness and health plans with a trusted coach or doctor. Streamline your routines, and keep your promises. You’re growing stronger. Maintain practical routines.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)— Today is a 7— Followa strong recommenda­tion fromsomeon­e you love. Newpossibi­lities arise fromideali­stic heartfelt commitment. Your discipline is admirable. Find treasure hidden among the garbage.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)— Today is a 7— Family matters have your attention. Express your heart throughwor­ds and actions. Make practical domestic upgrades and repairs. Support each other through a transition.


(Feb. 19March 20)— Today is a 9— Express your creativity and passion. Engage in a fascinatin­g conversati­on. Invent exciting new possibilit­ies together. Give yourword and keep it. Share and invite.


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