Daily Southtown

Trump slams Democrats on border security

President declares ‘crisis,’ but Dems call for end to shutdown

- By Catherine Lucey, Jill Colvin and Lisa Mascaro

WASHINGTON — In a somber televised plea, President Donald Trump urged congressio­nal Democrats to fund his long-promised border wall Tuesday night, blaming illegal immigratio­n for the scourge of drugs and violence in the country and framing the debate over the partial government shutdown in stark terms. “This is a choice between right and wrong,” he declared.

Democrats in response accused Trump appealing to “fear, not facts” and manufactur­ing a border crisis for political gain.

Addressing the nation from the Oval Office for the first time, Trump argued for spending some $5.7 billion for a border wall on both security and humanitari­an grounds as he sought to put pressure on newly empowered Democrats amid the extended shutdown.

Trump, who will visit the Mexican border in person Thursday, invited the Democrats to return to the White House to meet with him Wednesday, saying it was “immoral” for “politician­s to do nothing.” Previous meetings have led to no agreement as Trump insists on the wall that was his signature promise in the 2016 presidenti­al campaign.

Responding in their own televised remarks, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer accused Trump of misreprese­nting the situation on the border as they urged him to reopen closed government department­s and turn loose paychecks for hundreds of thousands of workers.

Negotiatio­ns on wall funding could proceed in the meantime, they said.

Schumer said Trump “just used the backdrop of the Oval Office to manufactur­e a crisis, stoke fear and divert attention from the turmoil in his administra­tion.”

Overall, Trump largely restated his case for the wall without offering concession­s or new ideas on how to resolve the standoff that has kept large swaths of the government closed for the past 18 days.

Trump ticked off a string of statistics and claims to make his case that there is a crisis at the border, but a number of his statements were misleading, such as saying the new trade deal with Mexico would pay for the wall, or suggesting through gruesome examples that immigrants are more likely to commit crime.

Shifting between empathetic appeals and the dark immigratio­n rhetoric that was a trademark of his presidenti­al campaign, Trump asked: “How much more American blood must we shed before Congress does its job?”

Trump, who has long railed against illegal immigratio­n

at the border, has recently seized on humanitari­an concerns to argue there is a broader crisis that can only be solved with a wall. But critics say the security risks are overblown and the administra­tion is at least partly to blame for the humanitari­an


Trump used emotional language, referring to Americans who were killed by people in the country illegally, saying: “I’ve met with dozens of families whose loved ones were stolen by illegal immigratio­n. I’ve held the hands of

the weeping mothers and embraced the grief-stricken fathers.”

The president often highlights such incidents, though studies over several years have found immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than people born in the United States.

Trump has been discussing the idea of declaring a national emergency to allow him to move forward with the wall without getting congressio­nal approval for the billions he’s requested. But he did not mention that Tuesday night.

With his use of a formal White House speech instead of his favored Twitter blasts, Trump embraced the ceremonial trappings of his office as he tries to exit a political quagmire of his own making. For weeks he has dug in on a signature campaign promise to his base voters, the pledge to build an impregnabl­e “beautiful” wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The partial government shutdown reached its 18th day, making the closure the second-longest in history. Hundreds of thousands of federal workers are going without pay, and government disruption­s are hitting home with everyday Americans.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Trump’s proposal to increase border security through physical barriers “suits the reality on the ground” along the U.S.Mexico border.

Speaking after Trump’s Oval Office address, the Kentucky Republican said Trump’s plan “simply builds on earlier legislatio­n” that Schumer and other Democrats supported in the past.

Trump’s speech has received a mixed reaction among one family who gathered to watch it in South Texas, a short distance from the U.S.-Mexico border.

Inside a home in Edinburg, 67-year-old MexicanAme­rican Sylvia Ramirez took notes during Trump’s speech and the response by Democratic leaders. Afterward, Ramirez said, she thought Trump had expressed compassion. But, she added, “I wish he’d meant it.”

Ramirez is a Democrat who opposes a border wall.

Her 70-year-old cousin Rita Jackson-Vega supports the president and said afterward that she believed Trump was trying his best.

 ?? CARLOS BARRIA/REUTERS ?? President Trump makes his plea Tuesday night from the Oval Office of the White House.
CARLOS BARRIA/REUTERS President Trump makes his plea Tuesday night from the Oval Office of the White House.
 ?? ALEX BRANDON/AP ?? Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rebut the president’s argument.
ALEX BRANDON/AP Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rebut the president’s argument.

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