Daily Southtown

Barrett makes case as next justice

But skeptical Dems cast nomination as threat to health care

- By Mark Sherman, Lisa Mascaro and Mary Clare Jalonick

Skeptical Democrats cast the nomination of the conservati­ve judge as a threat to health care access during the coronaviru­s pandemic.

WASHINGTON — Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett presented her conservati­ve approach to the law Monday at the start of fast-tracked confirmati­on hearings, while Democrats, powerless to stop her, tried to cast her as a threat to Americans’ health care coverage during the coronaviru­s pandemic.

With her large family sitting behind her in a hearing room off-limits to the public and altered for COVID-19 risks, Barrett madeher case to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whose seat President Donald Trump nominated her to fill, likely before ElectionDa­y.

“Courts are not designed to solve every problem or right every wrong in our public life,” declared the federal appeals court judge, removing the protective mask she wore most of the day to read froma prepared statement.

Americans “deserve an independen­t Supreme Court that interprets our Constituti­on and laws as they are written,” Barrett, 48, told the Senate Judiciary Committee, laying out her judicial philosophy, which she has likened to that of her conservati­ve mentor, the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

The Senate, led by Trump’s Republican allies, is pushing Barrett’s nomination to a quick vote before Nov. 3, and ahead of the the latest challenge to the Affordable Care Act, which the Supreme Court is to hear a week after the election.

Republican­s also hope to seat Barrett quickly enough to hear any legal challenges after the election.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticu­t was among several Democrats demanding that Barrett pledge not to take part in any election case. She has made no such commitment.

Barrett will face questions Tuesday after an opening day dedicated to opening statements.

Ginsburg’s legacy was felt throughout the hearing, with some Democrats wearing pins with her likeness. Barrett also praised the liberal icon, saying she was “forever grateful” for Ginsburg’s trailblazi­ng path as a woman on the court..

Yet Sen. KamalaHarr­is of California, Democratic presidenti­al nominee Joe Biden’s running mate, warned that Barrett’s nomination puts in jeopardy everything Ginsburg fought to protect.

Testifying fromher office because of the pandemic, Harris said that the court is “often the last refuge for equal justice” and that not only health care but voting rights, workers’ rights, abortion rights and the very idea of justice are at stake.

Republican­s appear to have the votes to confirm Barrett to a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court, and they spent their time portraying her as a thoughtful judge with impeccable credential­s. Her nomination offers the chance to entrench a conservati­ve majority on the court for years to come with Trump’s third justice.

“She is a slam dunk” based on her qualificat­ions, Sen. Lindsey Graham, RS.C., the committee chairman, told reporters. Barrett received the highest, “wellqualif­ied” rating from the American Bar Associatio­n, though she is the first nominee since Clarence Thomas who did not receive a unanimous assessment.

One after another, Democrats sought to tie her nomination to the upcoming Obama-era health care case.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., said the nomination is a “judicial torpedo aimed” at the law’s protection for people with preexistin­g health conditions. The Trump administra­tion wants the court to strike down the law known as Obamacare. Barrett has criticized the court’s two earlier major rulings supporting the law.

Among Republican­s, Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa dismissed warnings Barrett will undo the law as “outrageous.”

Trump seemed to be watching, tweeting several times about the hearing. In one message, he tweeted that he’d have a “FAR BETTER” health care plan, with lower costs and protection­s for preexistin­g conditions. But he has not discussed an actual health care plan.

Barrett’s religious views and past leadership role in a Catholic faith community pose a challenge for Democrats as they try toprobe her judicial approach to abortion, gaymarriag­e and other social issues without questionin­g her faith.

Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri lambasted what he called a “pattern and practice of religious bigotry” by Democrats. However, Democratic senators made clear in advance of the hearing that they didn’t plan to question the judge on the specifics of her religious faith.

Democratic presidenti­al nominee Biden, also a practicing Catholic, told reporters ahead of a campaign trip to Ohio that he doesn’t think “there’s any question about her faith.”

The Senate Judiciary Committee met on a federal holiday to kick off four days of hearings. Some senators took part remotely, after two committee Republican­s, Mike Lee of Utah and Thom Tillis of North Carolina, tested positive for COVID-19 less than two weeks ago.

Lee was present in the hearing room, bearing a doctor’s note saying he didn’t need to remain isolated. Tillis took part remotely, but his spokesman said he also was free of symptoms.

 ?? WIN MCNAMEE/GETTY ?? Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett returns to her confirmati­on hearing after a break Monday on Capitol Hill.
WIN MCNAMEE/GETTY Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett returns to her confirmati­on hearing after a break Monday on Capitol Hill.

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