Daily Southtown

Help kids sharpen their consumer skills

- Steve Rosen Kids & Money Questions, comments, column ideas? Reach Steve Rosen at sbrosen103­0@gmail.com.

My daughter’s dog ate my money. If you don’t believe me, I have a tattered $5 bill I can showyou. But rather than chalking it up to a dog being a dog, I took the evidence tomy bank and asked if they’d swap out my “dirty money” for fresh, crisp currency.

And guess what, they did. They swapped out my bills for fresh ones, without making me feel embarrasse­d formy request.

I mention this because the upcoming holiday season presents lots of opportunit­ies to teach your kids to become assertive consumers, to not be skittish about asking for help or asking for a refund or better deal when interactin­g with customer service, restaurant carryout or even a sales clerk at the mall. All they can say is “no.”

Consider twomore examples from my recent shopping experience­s.

Aweek after purchasing a birthday gift online formy wife, I noticed the same item on sale and priced more than $50 less than what I paid, with free shipping to boot. After emailing customer service, asking for the sale price and noting that I had shopped on their site before, they refunded the difference in price, subtracted my shipping expense and recalculat­ed the sales tax. I got a $60 refund, and no forms to fill out either.

Then therewas the restaurant that accidental­ly shorted me about $10 worth of onion rings and fries onmy carryout order. I didn’t notice the mistake until I got home but didn’t want to make a return trip. I called the restaurant, and the manager promised to make it right— with a free sandwich on my next visit and a bottle of barbeque sauce, which made me very happy.

If your kids find themselves in similar types of situations, resist the urge to write the email or make the phone call complaint for them. Let your kids handle it if it’s age appropriat­e. Coach them through what to say when making the ask. It will build up confidence in negotiatin­g skills— confidence that will pay off down the road.

With so much more shopping being pushed online this holiday season, there are great opportunit­ies to help your kids sharpen their consumer skills.

Vicki Fitzgerald, a Portland, Oregon, financial educator and the author of the “Simple Guide to Saving: For the Young & Broke,” recommends starting by helping your kids create a gift spending plan or budget, if you will. Have them determine howmuch they have to spend altogether, then make a list of people they want to buy a gift for and determine the amount they want to spend on each.

They can even create a spreadshee­t with the name and amount to spend, Fitzgerald said.

Teach them the ins and outs of shopping online, too. Your child might need help using the search box on a retailer website and sorting prices from low to high, for example.

Or, if shopping on Amazon, Fitzgerald suggests explaining what “sponsored” means and why those advertisin­g listings will usually appear at the top of a search.

Talk about customer reviews and star ratings, and why it’s important to be skeptical of the informatio­n, Fitzgerald said. According to Bloomberg News, 42% of Amazon reviews assessed by analysis tool Fake Spot appear to be unreliable.

Don’t forget to mention the need to factor shipping and taxes into the total price, she said. Then log the total price on the spreadshee­t and see if your novice shopper can find a comparable item elsewhere, including resale shops like Goodwill.

Finally, don’t let your child give up if they get caught in a customer service phone call loop. Make sure they persist until they hear a live voice.

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