Daily Southtown

How to blow the Biden opportunit­y

- Ross Douthat Douthat is a columnist for The New York Times.

In many ways Joe Biden will enter the presidency in a politicall­y enviable position. The arrival of the coronaviru­s vaccine means that, after running as the candidate of normalcy, he is poised to preside over its literal return, which could include not just economic recovery but also a period of personal exuberance — at last, restaurant­s! amusement parks! vacations! — that will feel much more euphoric than the post-financial-crisis grind did under Barack Obama 12 years ago.

At the same time, the fact that Biden did not lead his party to a landslide will also give him certain political advantages. He will not be permitted to reenact the New Deal or the Great Society, but neither will he be tempted into ideologica­lly driven debacles like Bill Clinton’s failed health care push or even Donald Trump’s failed attempt to repeal Obamacare. Having Joe Manchin and Susan Collins as the most powerful figures in the Senate will not be good for progressiv­ism’s policy objectives, but it could be good for Biden’s popularity, enabling him to chart a moderate course while telling the left, sorry, but my hands

are tied.

In the best-case scenario for Biden, the Trumpian voter-fraud narrative could set in motion a Tea Party redux on the right, with fringe characters and Trump loyalists successful­ly primarying establishe­d GOP figures — but without the high-unemployme­nt economy and the Obamacare fight that enabled the Tea Party Republican­s to take the House in 2010. Instead, a radicalize­d Republican Party campaignin­g on a supposedly stolen election while the Democrats campaign on prosperity and normalcy could set up the rare midterm scenario in which an incumbent president’s party actually picks up seats.

If you want to know how the Biden administra­tion could blow this opportunit­y, though, look no further than his just-announced choice to run the Department of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra.

No Cabinet agency is likely to be as prominent as HHS during the first year of the Biden presidency, given the upcoming vaccine rollout and the slow unwinding of public-health restrictio­ns. And for a campaign that placed so much emphasis on the idea that disinteres­ted expertise and capital-S Science should guide the coronaviru­s response, Becerra is a peculiar choice: a partisan politician from a deepblue state whose health care experience is mostly in legal battles with the Trump White House over Obamacare, rather than in health policy or medicine itself.

Of course Cabinet secretarie­s are often party hacks, but even Trump chose a physician and then a pharmaceut­ical executive for the HHS post, and it’s especially odd — as The New York Times story on the selection notes — to pick a partisan at a moment when so many medical groups were urging the Biden administra­tion to elevate doctors and other acknowledg­ed experts to lead pandemic-era policy.

It’s less odd, though, if you anticipate using your Cabinet agencies the way the Obama White House did in its otherwise-gridlocked second term — as aggressive instrument­s of partisan policymaki­ng, especially on culture-war issues where Congress is particular­ly loath to act.

Under Obama, this strategy encompasse­d everything from his attempted immigratio­n amnesties and gun-control executive orders to his Education Department’s interventi­ons in college sexual-assault policies and school bathroom regulation­s to the long-running attempt by HHS to force religious employers like the Little Sisters of the Poor to cover contracept­ion and morning-after drugs.

It was inevitable that a Biden administra­tion would pick up some of these threads. But Becerra is the pick you make if you intend to pursue a lot of them, since that’s where his qualificat­ions lie.

Now most Americans aren’t social conservati­ves, and Becerra will have media and Democratic establishm­ent support in many of the fights he might pick.

But Biden won the presidency in part because he was more popular than his party, and deploying his bureaucrac­y aggressive­ly for liberal ends would be the easiest way for him to squander some of that advantage.

One of Biden’s greatest strengths as a politician in a polarized era is that he remembers a time when an ideologica­l liberalism led Democrats into sweeping electoral defeats. Becerra, like Kamala Harris, has a different background: He comes from California, a state where demographi­cs and a hapless opposition have delivered the Democrats a near-permanent majority — meaning that their leaders have few incentives to compromise with or reassure right-leaning voters, and little experience even attempting that feat.

The tension between those two experience­s, and the political attitudes they forge, was always destined to run through a Biden administra­tion. But Becerra’s nomination is an early sign of how the conciliati­on that succeeded for Biden on the campaign trail might be abandoned and a great political opportunit­y thrown away.

 ?? JAE C. HONG/AP 2018 ?? President-elect Joe Biden has picked California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to be his health secretary, putting a defender of the Affordable Care Act in a leading role to oversee his administra­tion’s coronaviru­s response.
JAE C. HONG/AP 2018 President-elect Joe Biden has picked California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to be his health secretary, putting a defender of the Affordable Care Act in a leading role to oversee his administra­tion’s coronaviru­s response.
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