Daily Southtown

Sibling needs some boundaries for brother

- By Amy Dickinson askamy@amydickins­on.com Twitter@askingamy Copyright 2021 by Amy Dickinson Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency

Dear Amy: My brother and I were very close growing up. We maintained a good relationsh­ip into our 20s. Lately our relationsh­ip has become strained.

For his last two birthdays, I have generously treated him to fun and thoughtful experience­s. I do this because I love him, and I enjoy being generous.

For my last two birthdays, he did not even wish me a happy birthday. He did, however, show up to my birthday dinner and usurp my spot at the table because he “did not want to sit next to the old people” in our family.

I have reached out to him many times. He never responds.

Last weekend, I was having supper with our father at dad’s apartment, and he intruded in the middle of our meal and conversati­on without so much as saying hello.

My therapist advised me to call him out for his disrespect and set boundaries.

I am thinking about telling my brother that I do not want him coming over to visit our dad while I am there. I do not want to be steamrolle­d by his condescend­ing, disrespect­ful and entitled behavior, but I also do not want to reach a point where I might get physical with him.

He is my brother and I love him, but I do not want to tolerate his disrespect.

What do you suggest I do?

— Disrespect­ed

You are seeking your brother’s respect, and you have the right to receive it. Your therapist has

Dear Disrespect­ed:

provided very sound, practical advice. However, you seem to be delaying the hard but ultimately satisfying work of building and enforcing boundaries, by seeking a second opinion.

I agree completely with your therapist.

I’ll add that the person who sets boundaries also has to respect them.

You do not have the right to control who enters your father’s apartment. It is your dad’s home, and these are boundaries he — not you —will have to enforce.

So yes, be specific about the behavior that bothers you, and stay in the moment (don’t launch into a recitation of previous slings and arrows). You might want to explore ways to back away from your intense involvemen­t; a subtle change can help to create more balance in this very challengin­g dynamic.

Dear Amy: I belong to a group of 18 crafters who have enjoyed twiceyearl­y weekend retreats for several years. We share laughter, food, stories, our expertise and lots of hugs.

Of course, the 2020 and early 2021 retreats were canceled. Now some of the women are eager to book a house for this fall.

One thing that troubles me is that a few of them have been anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers. About half of us have received the COVID-19 vaccine so far, and the rest will soon be eligible.

I feel angry at the folks who deny science, and

I am not sure that I am comfortabl­e spending a weekend in their company, even if most of us are vaccinated.

We intentiona­lly steer clear of politics when we’re together. How do I engage with my friends and also detach from the few who took everyone’s well-being so lightly?

— Crafting a Response

Dear Crafting: Assuming that you and your entire group will be able to share this retreat safely, I suggest you maintain a detached and open-minded attitude toward everyone, including anti-mask/ vaccine women. If someone decides to proselytiz­e against public safety, science and common sense, you should be prepared with a calm, factual and honest response.

Otherwise, I sincerely hope that you and the other crafters can express some of your feelings and pandemic experience­s through your work, engaging in some important storytelli­ng using timeless tools: needle, yarn, fabric, brush, canvas and wood.

Dear Amy: Regarding all the questions you run from people whose relationsh­ips are ruined by Facebook postings, it is shocking to me what some people want to post about.

My technique is to block or “hide” their posts for a month. After a month, I’ll check to see if they’ve improved and if not, I make it permanent.

— Experience­d

Dear Experience­d: I took myself off that particular platform, and I don’t miss it a bit.

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