Daily Times Leader

Title 42: Health protection law or border control measure to impede asylum seekers?

- SID SALTER Syndicated Columnist

STARKVILLE — Frankly, neither Republican­s nor Democrats hold much moral high ground on the issue of immigratio­n. Historical­ly, the issue has been a political football with both parties talking a lot but not taking much action in the halls of Congress.

The White House – whether occupied by Democrats or Republican­s – isn't much better. And increasing­ly, Pew Research Center data indicates the two political parties are more closely aligned on the immigratio­n issue than one might think.

In a November survey, Pew revealed: “Republican­s and Democrats differ over the most pressing priorities for the nation's immigratio­n system. Republican­s place particular importance on border security and deportatio­ns of immigrants who are in the country illegally, while Democrats place greater importance on (creating) paths to legal status for those who entered the country illegally – especially those who entered as children.”

But it is important to note that both Republican­s and Democrat majorities told the Pew survey that increased border security is an “important U.S. immigratio­n policy goal.” But the Republican majority on this question had 91 percent support while the

Democrat majority was 59 percent.

The growth in immigratio­n angst along the Southern border has coincided with the growth of asylum seekers massing along that border. Many of those are residents of the socalled “Northern Triangle” countries - Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. But over the last two years, there has been a spike in asylum seekers from Cuba, Venezuela and African countries like Cameroon.

How prevalent is the problem? Customs and Border Protection reported 2.4 million migrant encounters at the Southern border in the U.S. in 2022, surpassing the 1.7 million migrant record establishe­d a year ago.

And based on the latest federal court battles, the cornerston­e weapon in stemming the immigratio­n tide along the Southern border is an obscure public health law written 78 years ago to stop the spread of communicab­le diseases like tuberculos­is.

Title 42, part of the 1944 Public Health Service Act, was never intended to be the basis of major immigratio­n enforcemen­t in the country and certainly not the appropriat­e test for asylum seekers. The law gave the federal government the emergency power to stop “the introducti­on of communicab­le diseases” by migrants entering the U.S. — and to expel migrants without regard to their attempts to legally seek asylum as a public health necessity.

In 2020, the Trump Administra­tion dusted off Title 42 to help the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other agencies to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic as cases soared. But it soon became evident that COVID-19 was not the only concern driving the use of Title 42. The old federal code was used some 1.7 million times to keep migrants from entering the U.S.

Underscori­ng the bipartisan kicking of the political can down the road, both the Trump and Biden administra­tions used Title 42 as a border control measure. While Trump supporters expected nothing less from the guy who pledged to “build the wall” on the Southern border, Biden soon came under fire from his supporters for failing to drop Title 42 enforcemen­t by Customs and Border Protection.

The Biden administra­tion extended the Trump administra­tion's Title 42 orders in August 2021, but in April 2022 announced that it would end the policy, saying it was no longer necessary to protect public health. But shortly before the policy was set to end in May, a Louisiana federal judge ordered the Biden administra­tion to continue the restrictio­ns.

Last month, U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan of the District of Columbia vacated Title 42, agreeing with the American Civil Liberties Union that the public health law was being used to turn back asylum seekers rather than to protect public health.

Now the matter is before the Supreme Court, with Mississipp­i joining a number of states with Republican leaders seeking to keep Title 42 in place lest its eliminatio­n “cause a crisis of unpreceden­ted proportion­s at the border.”

A majority of Americans want stronger, safer U.S. borders. But is Title 42 really the way?

Sid Salter is a syndicated columnist. Contact him at sidsalter@sidsalter.com

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