Daily Times Leader

Asbury revival is nothing to scoff at

- DANIEL GARDNER Syndicated Columnist

Some are asking what people think about the Asbury revival. They asked the same questions about the Asbury revival of

February 1970 and the Evangelica­l movement that spread across

America back then. Many believers and unbeliever­s alike have wondered whether it is “real,” by which

I suppose they mean, “Is God really working?”

In his letter to the church in

Philippi, Paul mentioned that some surroundin­g him in jail were

“preaching Christ even from envy and strife, but some also from good will….” Paul's takeaway was, “whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed; and in this I rejoice….”

Likewise Jesus' disciple John complained about “someone casting out demons” in Jesus' Name, and told Jesus, “we tried to hinder him because he does not follow along with us.” Jesus replied, “Do not hinder him; for he who is not against you is for you.”

The “us vs. them” dynamic has been an integral part of human nature since the beginning. Religion, politics, and culture wars are topics that inevitably lead to ad nauseam debates. America suffers way too many divisions. “Really! You want to fight about that?” Each side preens in its own self- righteousn­ess. One side is more scientific or educated, while the other has much more common sense.

Remember the old tease about an elite group of scientists trying to resolve a particular problem? Finally, one of the hired hands asked, “Why don't you just do this?” Astonished, the scientists asked how he had figured out the solution. The man replied, “When you're not educated, you have to use your head.”

Consider how many problems we face today that weren't problems before someone new took over. Of course, the new problem starters tout their policies as solutions to problems that they inherited. “The borders are closed and secured now.” “Climate change is the number one problem in the world.” How many trillions upon trillions of dollars have we spent or delegated to solve this problem? When will we see significan­t measures of improvemen­t?

“COVID- 19 set back K- 12 education decades.” Children are suffering more anxiety and depression than ever before. Suicide rates among K- 12 have skyrockete­d to unpreceden­ted levels, all because of COVID- 19? Really? Could our leaders' policies have played a role? In hindsight, have mandates and vaccines had any unnecessar­y negative effects on school children? How does all that COVID- 19 science look today?

Americans have gone through more than two rough years of experts forcing people to comply with unproven and unsafe protocols. Have you seen advertisem­ents for medicines that cure diseases? Have you heard and seen lists of possible side- effects? Have you heard or seen any lists of adverse side- effects from COVID vaccines? Why are there lists of side- effects for hundreds of medication­s, but no lists for COVID vaccines? Where are news stories about adverse effects of taking the vaccines? Are there NO adverse effects from the vaccines?

Today's Asbury revival appears to be spreading across America much like its predecesso­r in 1970. The Asbury revival and related movements offer good news. Believers are testifying about Jesus' work of salvation. But, detractors are scoffing at “another” Jesus movement. Rabbis in Jesus' day scoffed until Gamaliel, the leader, counseled to leave the disciples alone. If this Jesus movement were from God, then they would be fighting against God Himself.

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