Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Protesters oppose closing Havertown Skate Park

- By Lois Puglionesi Times Correspond­ent

HAVERFORD >> Plans to close the Havertown Skate Park to make way for a new municipal services building sent skateboard­ing enthusiast­s pouring into Monday’s commission­ers meeting with a plea for the skate park’s future.

The sizable crowd, which included many teens, asked commission­ers to relocate the park to a nearby basketball court at Veteran’s Field, at least until a new permanent location can be determined.

The 7,500-square foot park officially opened June 2004, directly behind the township recycling center and police headquarte­rs at Darby and Manoa Road. A two-story, 43,000-square foot municipal services building and adjacent parking are planned for the area. The building will house police and township administra­tion facilities.

Dan Twaddle, a resident and avid skateboard­er, said “We’re here to support the skate park. As of spring 2016 you are building a new municipal building. We’d like to ask you to relocate the skate park to the basketball court at Veterans Field.”

“We’re not asking you to build it for us. We can raise money,” said Twaddle. “We think it’s a place that’s definitely needed in Havertown.”

Michael Armine, a resident and Haverford High School teacher, used examples from neuroscien­ce to make his point regarding the skate park’s importance to local youth.

Armine described an experiment whereby a mouse was put in a cage with nothing but food and “a hefty quantity of cocaine.” Over the course of a few days the mouse starved itself to death, eating nothing but cocaine. “They did this 100 times and 100 mice died,” Armine said.

Years later, another scientist changed the paradigm, putting mice in a cage with cocaine and food, but he added objects they could play with, including small wheels, glasses and boards to climb on.

“All of those 100 mice ... ate their food, played on the wheels and never touched the cocaine again,” Armine said.

Ironically, Armine’s comments came in between a presentati­on by District Attorney Jack Whelan on the county’s Heroin Task Force, and comments by Peggy Murr regarding local efforts to combat the “heroin epidemic.”

“Failure to move the park puts my students at risk,” Armine said, identifyin­g many as a “fringe constituen­cy” who may not excel in school or enjoy organized sports.

“You’ve got to give them something to do other than the random things they will find to do in the woods, some parents’ basement ... We’re here to ask you to give them a small space to be, to practice their art and not get in trouble.”

Christine Marie Henzy, also a resident and former township employee, recalled her participat­ion in efforts to get the skate park approved in 20022003,when the concept sparked considerab­le controvers­y.

“This was one of the biggest accomplish­ments in my life,” she said, noting that the park is used daily by people of all ages and races, both male and female.

“To lose the skate park would be a travesty,” she added.

Henzy said local organizati­ons and businesses have offered assistance. And, state Sen. Daylin Leach, D-17 of Upper Merion, “has reached out to me directly and expressed interest in supporting movement of the park and securing public funds to support the skate park’s future,” Henzy said. More than 500 people have endorsed the park on Facebook.

Township Manager Larry Gentile said the new complex will require relocation of the recycling center as well as the skate park.

Gentile said he and Assistant Township Manger/ Parks and Rec Director Tim Denny “have been working on this” but don’t have an answer. It’s premature to commit to a new location at this time, Gentile said.

Denny recalled the grassroots effort that started the wheels turning in 2003, when a 12-year-old boy named Mike came into a Parks Board meeting.

Denny acknowledg­ed contributi­ons from parents and youth who helped build the park from scratch, as well as support from former state Sen. Richard Tilghman.

Denny ranked the park as among the projects he’s most proud of. He described skate park users as a selfdirect­ed group who “learn from one another,” and practice their sport without regard for uniforms or trophies.

He noted, however, that the current location was chosen based on three criteria that would hold for a new one. The site must be easily accessible and centrally located, have high visibility, and occupy a space where noise would not disturb neighbors.

“I wish I could snap my fingers and have an answer, but I don’t,” he said. “I guarantee you we’ll work just as hard this time around to make it happen. I just don’t know where that will be.”

Denny said Tuesday that “until we see what is happening with the constructi­on site we can’t determine if the basketball court is a safe temporary location.”

Denny said he expects the park will remain open until constructi­on begins, around March or April.

“Current equipment will be moved to a new location if we can determine one, or put in storage until a new location is found. Most of the equipment we have can be taken down and put back together,” Denny said in an email.

Seventh Ward Commission­er Jim McGarrity asked colleagues to consider possible homes for the skate park in their respective wards.

Henzy said after the meeting that skate park advocates “weren’t satisfied” with these answers and planned to discuss the matter further with Denny and attend upcoming Parks Board meetings.

Said Twaddle, “We want a temporary location as soon as possible ... Kids need a place to go.”

“You’ve got to give them something to do other than the random things they will find to do in the woods, some parents’ basement ... We’re here to ask you to give them a small space to be, to practice their art and not get in trouble.” — Michael Armine, a resident and Haverford High School teacher

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