Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Sound Off: Call 484-521-3180



Chip came in like a wrecking ball and now he’s gone, leaving the Eagles tattered and torn. Mr. Lurie, shame on you for allowing it and the team members who couldn’t stand united and man up sure didn’t get you to the playoffs. Let’s go Eagles, 2016.


To “Pottervill­e,” Scrooge and Potter were typical Democrats. Scrooge was tight with his own money. His idea of taking care of the poor was to send them to the work house (government program) and/or to “decrease the surplus population” (abortion and euthanasia). Potter wanted to control everything in town and have everyone else live in his shacks for high rent (i.e. Obamacare). In case you haven’t noticed, we have a Democratic president and governor.


I was saddened to hear this week about the passing of Motorhead’s Lemmy Kilmister. If there was ever an honorary Delaware Countian in the music world, it was him: a self-made living legend, touring and recording nonstop for over 40 years, always with a Marlboro and a bottle of J.D., approachab­le to his fans and still doing it at 70 years old. He was a regular guy who made it by never compromisi­ng and never selling out, not unlike a business owner you’d find still hanging at his old neighborho­od taproom on Chester Pike somewhere.



To all the people complainin­g about modern technology and the fact that kids sit behind computers and don’t go outside and play, not only do you all sound jealous, here’s another simple fact for you: if you had that same technology growing up as a child, you would do the same exact thing. Just because kids today have a lot cooler toys than marbles doesn’t mean that you should be complainin­g. This is the future generation. This is the future of the country. We should be supporting them.


For “One For Knows” who says that Donald Trump is a Democratic plant to get Hillary elected, that’s what you’re telling yourself because your party is going to nominate a buffoon and blowhard. Good luck with that, “One Who Knows,” and tell yourself whatever you have to to get through it.


To “Get What You Pay For,” Gov. Wolf couldn’t have foreseen the glut of natural gas that drove down prices and made the frackers not make any money, as you say. The one who dropped the ball on this was Corbett, who should’ve taxed them when he had the chance, but he and the Republican­s in our state legislatur­e don’t want to tax anybody, anytime, anywhere — even the frackers who were making tons of money at the time.


“One Who Knows” doesn’t seem to know much. Donald Trump is definitely not a Democratic plant. However, what he is doing is appealing to the base of the Republican Party. By his poll numbers, it seems to be working very well, and this goes to show that the base of the Republican Party have lost their minds.


To “War On Middle,” I think “Fact V. Fiction’s” numbers were on how long the Republican­s had full control of Washington, not just the presidency, in which case, yes, it was for six years of W.’s presidency. If you want to blame the GOP for supposedly destroying the economy over the last 30 years, then some fault lies with Democrats for not preventing it. Reagan and Bush were working with Democratic legislatur­es, and Clinton was in the White House when Republican­s took back Congress. Since the beginning of Reagan’s presidency, Republican­s only had six years of full control under W.


What do people think that stop signs are for, to roll through? Doesn’t it say “stop” on there? People are really ignorant today as far as stop signs and red lights. It’s ridiculous. I stop at the stop sign. I look both ways. I wait three seconds. If anybody is behind me, I don’t care. If they beep at me, I sit there longer. That’s what I do.

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