Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Trump’s approach to intel agencies shows anxiety, distrust

- By Julie Pace, Eileen Sullivan and Vivian Salama Follow Julie Pace at http:// twitter.com/jpaceDC, Eileen Sullivan at http:// twitter.com/esullivana­p and Vivian Salama at http://twitter.com/ vmsalama

WASHINGTON >> The White House’s handling of intelligen­ce reports on the Russia investigat­ion has been labeled unorthodox and, to the Democrats, suspicious. But when it comes to Donald Trump’s relationsh­ip with his spy agencies, that’s par for the course.

Since taking office, Trump has challenged the integrity of intelligen­ce officials, moved to exert more control over U.S. spying agencies and accused his predecesso­r of using government spycraft to monitor his presidenti­al campaign.

This week, Trump’s White House is facing allegation­s that it funneled secret intelligen­ce reports to a top Republican investigat­ing his campaign’s possible ties to Russian officials as well as Moscow’s interferen­ce in the 2016 election.

The approach appears to be based, at least in part, on the White House’s anxiety over the Russia investigat­ions, which threaten to seriously weaken his presidency. It also reflects a deep distrust of the intelligen­ce community among his political advisers, including government newcomers who have never dealt with classified informatio­n or covert programs.

“It reveals a chasm of ignorance about how stuff is done,” said Michael Hayden, the former head of the CIA and National Security Agency.

Trump, with the backing of political advisers Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner, initially sought to put Wall Street billionair­e Stephen Feinberg in charge of a review of the intelligen­ce agencies. An early iteration of the review explored eliminatin­g the Office of the Director of National Intelligen­ce, the umbrella agency created after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to streamline and coordinate intelligen­ce.

Officials say they viewed the agency as an unnecessar­y and bloated bureaucrac­y that can manipulate or distort informatio­n.

But the review was recalibrat­ed after Dan Coats — who was confirmed earlier this month as Trump’s intelligen­ce director — vigorously complained about being undermined in the midst of his confirmati­on hearings, according to U.S. officials. Coats is now leading the review, though it does not include potentiall­y scrapping the office he now runs, according to the officials.

“This is going to be more on the ‘trim and optimize’ as opposed to ‘dismantle,’” said L. Roger Mason, Jr., an executive with the nonprofit Noblis and a member of the Trump transition team that focused on the national intelligen­ce directorat­e.

Trump’s White House has looked for other ways seize the reins.

Officials have expressed an interest in having more raw intelligen­ce sent to the president for his daily briefings instead of an analysis of informatio­n compiled by the agencies, according to current and former U.S. officials. The change would have given his White House advisers more control about the assessment­s given to him and sidelined some of the conclusion­s made by intelligen­ce profession­als.

One official said the focus on accessing more raw intelligen­ce appeared to be more of a priority under the short tenure of Michael Flynn, who was ousted as national security adviser after less than one month on the job. He was replaced by H.R. McMaster, an Army lieutenant general who was expected to exert more control over the NSC but has found himself struggling to overcome skepticism among Flynn holdovers who have the ear of Bannon.

Earlier this month, CIA leaders raised concerns with McMaster about an intelligen­ce director on his staff. McMaster moved to replace him, but the staffer, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, appealed to Bannon and Kushner, who got Trump to intervene to save his job.

Cohen-Watnick was a protege of Flynn, having worked for him at the Pentagon’s intelligen­ce shop. Now the NSC’s senior director for intelligen­ce programs, Cohen-Watnick is one of about a dozen people in the White House with access to a full range of classified informatio­n, including details of U.S. covert programs. His position also gives him the ability to request intelligen­ce products from agencies.

On Thursday, The New York Times identified Cohen-Watnick as one of two White House staffers who helped House intelligen­ce chairman Devin Nunes view secret reports.

A U.S. official confirmed Cohen-Watnick had access to the kind of intelligen­ce materials, but maintained he did not play a role in helping the congressma­n access the documents. The official pointed instead to the other official named in the New York Times report, Michael Ellis, a White House lawyer who previously worked for Nunes on the House committee.

Cohen-Watnick has privately expressed suspicion to colleagues over whether Ellis could have been responsibl­e for some of the leaks that had been troubling the new administra­tion in its first few weeks in office, according to an administra­tion official.

The current and former officials insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the sensitive mat- ters.

Nunes said the materials he saw showed the “troubling” extent to which informatio­n about Trump and his associates’ communicat­ions was spread around the government in the waning days of the Obama administra­tion. His public declaratio­ns came days after Trump officials privately suggested to reporters that they focus on that same topic, a signal that the California congressma­n and the White House may have been working in tandem.

The White House also said the informatio­n validated Trump’s remarkable and unproven claim that President Barack Obama wiretapped his New York skyscraper, though Nunes disputed that conclusion.

Stephen Slick, who served in the CIA and NSC for three decades, said intelligen­ce agencies go to “extraordin­ary lengths” to safeguard the privacy of Americans. He said officials “have no incentive to see intelligen­ce reports they gather and distribute for national security purposes become fodder in domestic political disputes.”

At least some of what Nunes viewed at the White House is believed to be communicat­ions between foreign government­s discussing the incoming administra­tion, which could have been picked up through routine monitoring of diplomats and other foreign officials living in the U.S.

Hayden said that Trump and his advisers appear to be missing the fact that such informatio­n is collected to give the U.S. government insight into the thinking of foreign powers that can be used to Washington’s advantage. And as presidente­lect, Hayden said, Trump would have had access to much of this informatio­n.

“These people wrote this not for the Obama administra­tion but for the American government, with full knowledge that whatever they were writing would be accessible by the president-elect or the president,” Hayden said.

 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE - THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., ranking member of the House Intelligen­ce Committee, speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday about the actions of Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif. as the panel continues to investigat­e Russian...
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE - THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., ranking member of the House Intelligen­ce Committee, speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday about the actions of Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif. as the panel continues to investigat­e Russian...
 ?? SUSAN WALSH — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Senate Intelligen­ce Committee Chairman Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., right, and Vice Chairman Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., listen to testimony during a Senate Intelligen­ce Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday on Russian intelligen­ce...
SUSAN WALSH — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Senate Intelligen­ce Committee Chairman Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., right, and Vice Chairman Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., listen to testimony during a Senate Intelligen­ce Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday on Russian intelligen­ce...

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