Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Sound Off: Call 484-521-3180



How true to what “Worst Ever” said. The best thing they ever did for Phillies broadcasti­ng was get rid of Chris Wheeler. I’m happy that Kruk is in there, because he is better than what they had.


School funding needs to stop coming from real estate taxes. Homeowners cannot afford these taxes; they are losing their homes and moving out of Pennsylvan­ia. Pass House Bill 76 to increase state income tax and sales tax.


“Grid Iron George From Glenolden,” that guy Tom Brady that you’re smacking around has singlehand­edly won more Super Bowls than the Philadelph­ia Eagles will ever get to. Write that down and check it out in 100 years. I’m not even talking about the amount that he’s played in. And where did you play football, “Gridiron George,” a back alley somewhere?


I agree with “Whistling In The Wind” about the trains going through blowing their horns all hours of the night. It could give you bad nerves. I feel sorry for a child who has to deal with it.


Can someone please explain to me why they’re holding the NFL draft at the Art Museum? It’s a football event. Why aren’t they having it at the football stadium?


I see Trump is now flipfloppi­ng and backing away from NATO, China, Russia and Syria. Guess what? He’ll continue to flip-flop. All you fools in Delaware County who flocked to him and thought he was going to bring back jobs like the 1950s got can deal with what a phony he is. Remember when Michael Bloomberg called him a con man at the Democratic convention? He conned you. I’m a registered Republican who saw through him, but me and everyone else in the country has to live with his election, too. Thanks a lot. JUST SAYING IN ASTON


All during his campaign, Donald Trump said would it be nice if we could be friends with the Russians, and all his supporters agreed with that assessment. Now all of a sudden he’s had a change of heart and said, “Well, we really can’t be friends with the Russians,” and his supporters are agreeing with this assessment, too. This shows that, first of all, that Donald Trump is very ill-prepared to be president, because anybody who has a brain knew from the start we could not be friends with Russian while Putin is in charge. Secondly, it shows that his supporters are not very bright at all.


I read the letter to the editor from Jim Bradley of Folcroft on the bad state of Trump’s presidency, and he said word for word exactly how I feel. I’m sure we’re not the only ones. Thank you. MICHELLE FROM GLENOLDEN


“Read Your History” is the one “who just doesn’t get it.” What does a lack of computers in 1960 have to do with anything? While nothing has been conclusive­ly proven about 1960 election, we know for sure there was voter manipulati­on in the solid South and in the big-city Democratic machines of that era. So there was a lot more reason to be concerned then about legitimate fraud and disenfranc­hisement, as opposed to now which is based on whether or not damaging informatio­n was leaked at the expense of one party and motivation for doing so – informatio­n that would have had not existed in the first place had the DNC not done those things.


To “Then And Now,” President Obama followed the road that was already laid by the Bush administra­tion on that hunt for Osama bin Laden. Obama didn’t find Osama bin Laden, the United States military and Secret Service and the CIA did along with many, many operatives throughout the world, and also using satellite technology that was put in outer space by President Reagan. By the way, Trump bombed Syria because of the despicable crimes committed by Assad’s government. President Obama drew a red line in the sand and said, “If you use chemical weapons we will come after you.” They did, and we didn’t – until now.

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