Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Trump raps Iran as violating ‘spirit’ of nuclear deal

- By Josh Lederman and Jill Colvin

WASHINGTON >> Iran is failing to fulfill the “spirit” of its nuclear deal with world powers, President Donald Trump declared Thursday, setting an ominous tone for his forthcomin­g decision about whether to pull the U.S. out of the landmark agreement.

As he often had during the president campaign, Trump ripped into the deal struck by Iran, the U.S. and other world powers in 2015 and said “it shouldn’t have been signed.” Yet he pointedly stopped sort of telegraphi­ng whether or not the U.S. would stay in.

“They are not living up to the spirit of the agreement, I can tell you that,” Trump said of the Iranians, though he did not mention any specific violations. Earlier this week, the administra­tion certified to Congress than Iran was complying — at least technicall­y — with the terms of the deal, clearing the way for Iran to continue enjoying sanctions relief in the near term.

In a news conference alongside Italian Premier Paolo Gentiloni, Trump also said:

— The U.S. is committed to a strong Europe, though he didn’t say directly whether he prefers that the European Union stay intact.

— He sees no military role for the U.S. in stabilizin­g Libya.

— It’s possible he may soon be able to strike deals with Congress on both health care and funding legislatio­n to head off a government shutdown.

On Iran, Trump and his top officials have been walking a narrow line as they seek to show an aggressive stance. While disparagin­g the nuclear deal and accusing Iran of fomenting violence and terrorism throughout the Middle East, Trump has avoided committing to abandoning the agreement, a move that would be staunchly opposed by U.S. businesses and European allies.

Yet the president seems keenly aware that his indecisive­ness about the deal’s future is a step back from his campaign declaratio­n that as president he would rip it up or renegotiat­e.

He said of Iran, “I think they are doing a tremendous disservice to an agreement that was signed.”

Under the deal, brokered during the Obama administra­tion, Iran agreed roll back key aspects of its nuclear program in exchange for relief from certain economic sanctions. Critics have said it’s unfathomab­le that the U.S. would grant sanctions relief to Tehran even as it continues testing ballistic missiles, violating human rights and supporting extremist groups elsewhere in the Middle East.

By design, the nuclear deal does not address those Western grievances, meaning Tehran can be in compliance even as it violates U.N. resolution­s and remains a U.S.-designated state sponsor of terrorism. The U.S. has continued to punish Tehran for those activities with non-nuclear sanctions that also fall outside the purview of the deal.

Trump hasn’t given a timeline for when his administra­tion’s review of Iran policy — including whether to stick with the deal — will be complete. But the U.S. must decide next month whether to renew a waiver so that Iran can continue receiving sanctions relief.

The president joined Italian Premier Gentiloni for a White House news conference at a tense time for Europe, which was reeling anew from a deadly attack in Paris on Thursday ahead of a pivotal presidenti­al vote in France on Sunday. The French election is being seen as a bellwether for whether the move toward nationalis­m and separation from the European Union, displayed by Britain’s move to leave the EU, will continue spreading to other European countries.

Trump didn’t specifical­ly weigh in on the French election, nor would he say outright whether he supported countries staying in the EU. But he said a strong Europe is “very, very important” to the United States.

“We will help it be strong, and it’s very much to everybody’s advantage,” Trump said.

Weeks after he said he was moving on after a failed attempt in Congress to replace the Affordable Care Act, Trump said “there’s no give-up” and predicted a proposed GOP overhaul of Obama’s health care law was gaining popularity.

And, with a funding deadline looming to keep the government running, Trump said it was possible Congress would manage to accomplish it all next week or “shortly thereafter.”

“I think we’ll get both,” he said.

Grappling with other national security concerns, Trump said he did not see a role for the U.S. in Libya, adding that the U.S. “has right now enough roles.” Trump has criticized the Obama administra­tion for a 2011 military interventi­on that he says created a power vacuum that led Libya to slip into chaos.

 ?? SUSAN WALSH — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? President Donald Trump, right, shakes hands with Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, left, following their news conference in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Thursday.
SUSAN WALSH — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS President Donald Trump, right, shakes hands with Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, left, following their news conference in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Thursday.

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