Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Be faithful and remember ‘this, too, will pass…’

- Catherine GalassoVig­orito Columnist Email Catherine GalassoVig­orito at cgv@ anewyouwor­ldwide.com. To order a copy of her latest book, “The Open Window, 8 Weeks to Creating an Extraordin­ary Life,” visit www.anewyouwor­ldwide.com or bookstores nationwide.

L ong ago, there was a parable told about monarch who had commission­ed a jewelry designer to create for him a custom, solid-gold ring. The monarch planned on wearing the ring daily. But, the monarch wanted a few words engraved on the ring which would offer him comfort during challengin­g or distressin­g times.

So the monarch asked scholars and philosophe­rs from far and wide for words of wisdom. It must be a motto that is endlessly enduring, words to ease a person’s heart and mind in different circumstan­ces.

As the weeks passed, many came forth with their thoughts. The monarch jotted down their recommenda­tions. He pondered upon each one. Then, slowly and regretfull­y the king shook his head. “No,” he whispered under his breath, for the monarch wasn’t encouraged by any of the suggestion­s.

The next day, the monarch awoke to the pale light of early morning. Then, there was a knock at the door. It was a man from the village who had heard about the monarch’s request, and he wanted to meet with the monarch.

Kindly, the monarch agreed. And, face to face together, keeping his voice low, the village man uttered to the monarch, “There are four words that have given me great comfort in my lifetime, and I will gladly offer them to you.”

Following his gaze, the monarch leaned forward. In anticipati­on, he waited to hear what the village man had to say. A moment later, the man said with a warm, gracious smile, “The words are: This, too, will pass.”

There was complete silence in the room. Heartened, the monarch was clearly moved by the words. And, thereafter, he had them engraved on his ring.

Are you in a difficult situation? Is your motivation becoming almost depleted? For, sometimes, every day can feel like chaos. Or, perhaps, saddened, you can’t figure out, “What should I do next.”

Yet, the Bible promises that these affliction­s will pass, and that all things are temporary. God knows where you are today. He wants to give ease to your suffering. Therefore, keep on holding strong. God is at work right now to give you ‘Beauty instead of ashes,’ ‘Joy instead of mourning,’ and ‘Praise instead of a heavy, burdened, and failing spirit.’ (Isaiah 61:3).

Psalm 30:5 says: “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” So keep being faithful. For God is saying to you now: This, too, will pass.

• If you’re burdened down with anxiety; remember this, too, will pass.

• When your heart is heavy; remember this, too, will pass.

• When it seems as though you will never be happy again; remember this, too, will pass.

• If your circumstan­ce looks bleak; remember this, too, will pass.

• When success seems unattainab­le; remember this, too, will pass.

So despite what challenges lie in your path, your situation is going to improve. Don’t let discourage­ment take over. God’s word says that all things work for the good of those that love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Hence, in good or difficult times, God is still in control and has a perfect plan. And somehow, someway, everything is going to work out for your good and for His glory.

Be patient. Be bold. Be courageous. Free yourself from stress and cultivate inner peace and happiness by keeping your thoughts and speech positive. When you talk over and over about your problems, you’re just fixating on the negative. Rather, let go of all your worries and give them all to God. Become like a deep lake, less affected by the ripples on the surface. Then, in time, your entire being can be transforme­d from the inside out.

A better day is coming. And soon, a new surge of joy will come to you that will erase all of the past despair.

Recently, a reader wrote, “I believe everything happens for a reason. So we should not let our emotions cloud our vision, failing to see the bigger picture or God’s divine hand in it. We may not understand why things are happening the way they are now. But the less we’re preoccupie­d with the negative and the more we exercise our authority over the difficulti­es we face, the quicker we will overcome them. Think of challenges this way: The experience was to pave the way for something much better.”

God has not forgotten about you. Trust that He has something great up ahead. God’s timing is the best timing. And before long, He will make the miraculous happen in your life.

A while ago, I heard about a boy who was at home playing with his toy cars, and one of the cars broke. The boy tried, but he couldn’t repair the damaged car. He didn’t get upset. The boy didn’t get bitter and complain. Rather, calmly, with an optimistic frame of mind, he called out to his father. When the dad heard the boy summoning him, he came to see what he could do to help his son.

In no time at all, the father fixed the toy. The issue was successful­ly resolved. And the boy hugged and thanked his father.

Likewise, when you call out to God your Father, He can make wrongs turn out right and create a way where there seems to be no way. The more optimistic and grateful your attitude, the more joy, peace, and favor will return to you.

No matter what you may be facing, pray and do not give up now. Scripture says in James 1:12, “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trials.” For God has a great purpose for you, and if you continue to persevere, He will help you. God’s eye is watching even the tiniest sparrow, so surely He will take care of you and supply your needs.

This, too, will pass… and you’ll step into a wonderful new beginning. A whole splendid life lies before you. For God’s gracious Hand of blessings will work your situation out better than you can ever imagine.

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