Daily Times (Primos, PA)

On health care, GOP’s mission accomplish­ed

- Robert N. McLaughlin, Ridley Park

To the Times: U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., and his good friend and colleague, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., have finally come out of hiding after these past few months to deliver to American taxpayers a destructiv­e health care bill (Trumpcare) that meets what they personally promised to do for each other and for their fellow right wing conservati­ves, billionair­e sugar daddies, and health care industry lobbyists: To remove or reduce health coverage, and to increase overall out-of-pocket costs to lower and middleclas­s taxpayers, beginning immediatel­y now and getting even worse over each succeeding year.

Toomey flips the truth of his selfish deed for the rich and his handlers by misleading the taxpayers who he says he is responding to. He factfully knows this Trumpcare bill hurts average Americans and bigly benefits the top 400 richest families in America, one of whom lives in the White House. I agree Toomey and friends were persistent. It did take Sen. Toomey and McConnell eight hard years of “saying no to everything” in Washington, and sitting on their butts doing nothing else, all paid by taxpayers.

Dump Trumpcare! Fix Obamacare! Sens. Toomey and McConnell can keep their misleading promises to themselves and their wealthy friends.

I ask them to stand with the American citizens and do what is right for us, I suggest they begin by standing openly in unity with all Americans and ‘Promise the American taxpayers that every senator and representa­tive in local, state, and federal government will be required to participat­e only in the same health care coverage the U.S. Congress decide to pass this week or this year. Otherwise, we should all promise to remember their distance for us for a long time, beginning on voting days.

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