Daily Times (Primos, PA)

President Trump trips over his own lips on immigratio­n

- Chris Freind Columnist Chris Freind is an independen­t columnist and commentato­r. His print column appears every Wednesday. He can be reached at CF@ FFZMedia.com.

Love him or hate him, give Donald Trump credit. No one else can dominate headlines, knocking huge stories off the front page, like the president.

From relegating the Golden Globes and its anti-harassment message (capped by Oprah Winfrey’s fiery speech) to the back burner, to making a monumental story – the bogus threat of an incoming nuclear missile – irrelevant, President Trump has the unique ability to make everything “about him.”

But being an expert in that regard doesn’t necessaril­y make one successful.

In fact, in the president’s case, it’s the opposite. Sadly, his expertise all too often results in self-destructio­n.

For those hoping that Mr. Trump would turn over a new leaf in 2018 by acting more presidenti­al, think again. The president picked up the new year right where he left off: First, he went to war against a book that paints an unflatteri­ng picture of his campaign and presidency (threatenin­g a lawsuit to block publicatio­n, making it appear as if he were trying to hide something). And then, in a bid to outdo himself, the president used an expletive to describe certain countries that he deemed undesirabl­e for immigratio­n to America.

If that wasn’t bad enough, he is now engaged in yet another “I-said, he-said” moment, claiming that he did not use the derogatory term in question – despite a roomful of congressme­n and senators from both parties who state otherwise. And of course, because the countries he mentioned – Haiti and African nations – have predominan­tly black citizens, the charge of the president being “racist” has been flying around faster than his approval rating is dropping.

However – and yes, there is a however – just because he used divisive language in a wholly inappropri­ate setting doesn’t mean he is entirely wrong.

Let’s cut through the partisansh­ip and inaccurate labels and look at this situation for what it is:

1) Partisan politics has once again reared its ugly head. The single-most important aspect that almost no one is discussing is why the proposed immigratio­n reform bill, including much-needed provisions for the DACA “Dreamers,” is apparently dead – yet prior to the president’s remarks, both sides were confident of passage.

Why the retreat? Because Mr. Trump used racy language? Sorry, but passing the bill and being upset at his language have absolutely nothing to do with one another.

Our elected officials must be able to discern the difference between policy and personalit­y. One may not like the president. Hell, one may even despise him. But if legislatio­n is on the table that would benefit America, you pass it – lock, stock and barrel. Refusing to do the right thing because of someone’s poor word choice is anathema to good public service, attempting to gain partisan advantage at the expense of the people.

And that, more than anything, is why Washington is broken. To both sides: Grow up!

2) The president now claims he didn’t use the expletive. Guess what? It doesn’t matter, because the jury is in: Guilty. And that is a situation 100 percent of his own making. He made his bed by hurling insults, issuing threats, using vulgar language, prevaricat­ing, whining, and coming across as an overall nasty individual. Fine. That was his choice. And ultimately, despite all that, he still won.

Unfortunat­ely, that victory continues to reinforce his mindset that such behavior remains the formula for success, when the opposite is actually true. The president does not yet comprehend that winning a campaign (against perhaps the most unpopular person in America) and being a successful commander-in-chief are two completely different things. The fact that he has achieved success on only a single issue (tax reform), despite Republican­s holding all the cards, is testament to that fact.

As a comparison, if Mike Pence or John Kasich stood accused of making such a remark, most people would give them the benefit of the doubt, because they are both gentlemen. But Mr. Trump, through his stubborn refusal to change his behavior and act presidenti­al, has cemented perception­s about his character.

The only thing that can improve the president’s dismal approval rating – and save the GOP from a bloodbath in this year’s mid-term congressio­nal elections – is passing popular legislatio­n. Yet because of his latest move, he snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Perhaps someone should offer the “Art of the Deal” guru a primer on how politics actually work.

3) The president’s sentiments don’t make him “racist.” Ignorant, to an extent, but not racist. Consider:

Should America prioritize immigrants from places such as Haiti? Absolutely not. A broad stroke, to be sure, but the majority are poor and unskilled, as in most third-world countries. That doesn’t mean America should shut the door entirely, and thankfully, we don’t. But we cannot save everyone who is oppressed and downtrodde­n, since that number is well into the billions worldwide. Our economy is big, but not so big that we can simply absorb unlimited numbers of uneducated, unskilled workers from places such as Haiti, many of whom do not speak English.

The result would be massive numbers of immigrants going on the government dole for lack of work; immense strain on an alreadyove­rburdened education system; municipali­ties pushed to the brink of bankruptcy trying to service population­s not contributi­ng to the tax base; and billions more added to the national debt.

It is critical to remember that America is the most generous, benevolent nation on Earth when it comes to opening its doors, as well over a million immigrants are granted permanent legal status each year – far more than any other country. And that’s not including the tens of millions admitted on a temporary basis for employment and study programs.

That said, the president clearly did not do his homework when he lumped the sub-Saharan African nations into his comment. In fact, they are some of the most skilled and educated immigrants in America, with 41 percent having earned a bachelor’s degree (compared to 32 percent of Americans and 30 percent of all immigrants). They are exactly the type of people America should be targeting for admission. While we should certainly strive to help the most politicall­y oppressed, provided they can be vetted, we should be prioritizi­ng those who are highly skilled, well educated, and fluent in English. Doing so bolsters America’s national and economic security.

4) Just because the president suggested we accept more immigrants from Norway versus Haiti does not make him racist. Newsflash: Not everything is racism. Constantly invoking the “racist” label where it isn’t warranted devalues the term, hurting the real victims of racism and giving a pass to those who are bigots. It is human nature to lose interest in things the more commonplac­e they become. Labels are no exception.

And let’s be very honest: If the president had said the opposite – that America should focus on immigrants from Africa and Haiti rather than Norway and European countries – would he have been similarly accused of being “racist?” Not a chance. Lesson: You can’t have it both ways.

America was predominan­tly founded and built by white Europeans. That’s a fact. People from those countries should not be excluded from emigrating here, nor their path made more difficult, in the name of “diversity,” simply because they are white. Instead, all immigrants should face the same criteria: Priority is afforded to those who can best impart an immediate and lasting impact on America, regardless of color, creed or country of origin. That is the fairest, most common-sense immigratio­n policy, and one which places America’s selfintere­st first.

President Trump is many things, but calling him a “racist,” even to those who are chronicall­y offended by everything, is unwarrante­d and counterpro­ductive. Instead, our focus should be on creating the America envisioned by the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., where we judge each other not on the color of our skin, but on the content of our character.

On that note, if the president doesn’t change his character quickly, he will likely see his party emigrating from Congress in record numbers.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? In this Jan. 9, photo, President Donald Trump listens during a meeting with lawmakers on immigratio­n policy in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington.
ASSOCIATED PRESS In this Jan. 9, photo, President Donald Trump listens during a meeting with lawmakers on immigratio­n policy in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington.
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