Daily Times (Primos, PA)

‘Humor’ is no excuse for sexual harassment

- Thomas Touhill, Springfiel­d Mike Reilly, Springfiel­d

To the Times: This Sunday, Sen. Daylin Leach posted an op-ed detailing what he “learned” after being publicly confronted with sexual harassment allegation­s spanning a decade. I use the term “learned” here loosely, since it is clear from Sen. Leach’s statements that he has learned next to nothing about sexual harassment and the patriarcha­l culture that enables it.

Throughout the op-ed, Sen. Leach refers to his actions as “humor” gone awry, as though the systematic sexual harassment of female employees is the same as a joke that just doesn’t land. I’m a comedian and many of my friends are comedians. We don’t try to harass young women and we don’t refer to people that do as “comedians”, we like to call those people “creeps.”

Sen. Leach is not alone in this camp of self-described “comedians” (read: sexual predators). In November, former Sen. Al Franken referred to the groping and forcible kissing of Leann Tweeden as an offensive “joke.”

This disturbing use of comedy to justify and minimize sexual misconduct allegation­s needs to end. When you create a hostile work environmen­t for your employees or touch individual­s without their consent, you’re not a comedian – you’re a sexist bully.

And it’s high time for Sen. Leach to recognize that, step aside, acknowledg­e his actions for what they are, and engage in some meaningful restorativ­e justice. Maybe then I’ll believe he’s actually “learned” something. nature than the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. While few of us will visit the refuge, to the polar bears, caribou, muskoxen, and hundreds of species of migratory birds that live there, it is home. It was encouragin­g to hear my own congressma­n, Pat Meehan, was against this provision in the bill. In the letter he signed along with some of his colleagues, it said “after years of debate, the Arctic refuge stands as a symbol of our nation’s strong and enduring natural legacy.”

The Arctic Refuge is a perfect example of the benefits of conservati­on efforts: not only have we protected the habitat of hundreds of species of animals, but we preserve the stunning landscapes that make the Arctic Refuge a national treasure. Despite claiming to be against it, Meehan ending up voting yes for the bill and yes to opening up the Arctic Refuge. If he truly feels it should be preserved, then now is the time to step up and be a leader for conservati­on, rather than just giving it lip service for votes. Leave your comments online Use hashtag at

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