Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Where was coverage of candidates?

- Ted Meehan, Newtown

To the Times: Elections are meant to allow citizen voters to sort out the difference­s between candidates, so that the candidate who is best qualified to advance the will of the majority will receive their support.

To this end, the American press (and all other news agencies) have great freedom – to detail the strengths and weaknesses of all of the candidates, and to scrutinize their platforms.

So where was the press during AWOL!

The only TV mentions of the gubernator­ial contest was a food fight between Wagner and Mango. Nothing at all on the U.S. Senate primary. In a confused state of chaos after the Pa. court decided to redraw Congressio­nal district lines only two weeks before signatures for ballot access were to be circulated, there was nothing offered about the contests.

The party bosses loved this, because it left their handpicked hacks virtually untouchabl­e. And so the campaign between Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum kicks off to a gaping yawn. this primary season?

Please spare us the sanctimoni­ous hand-wringing over the failure of the electorate to come out and vote in primaries. Ignorance does not breed great Democracy. People follow Courage. There were candidates in this past primary who demonstrat­ed that courage. But the press went all Bill Cosby-Stormy Daniels and blotted out what they should have been reporting.


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