Daily Times (Primos, PA)

One of these days, life will pleasantly surprise you

- Catherine Galasso-Vigorito Columnist

Late one afternoon, I returned home from a business meeting. Not long after, I went into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of hot tea. Gingerly, I took a sip and looked out my front window. A few clouds were sweeping past the sun. Then, I glanced at the clock and decided to go outside and enjoy the beautiful spring day as I waited for my daughter’s yellow school bus to arrive home. As I stepped out the front door, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something on the porch. On the side, I saw a bouquet of colorful flowers in a lovely basket.

Picking up the arrangemen­t, I wondered, “Who sent these flowers?” There was no card attached. I looked again. “Perhaps, the card blew away in the wind,” I thought to myself.

I waved to the kids as I saw the bus approachin­g. After my daughter got off the bus, my thoughts returned to the flowers. So together we walked on the newly cut, green grass around the front yard. We glanced about looking to see if we could find a card.

Her small hand clutched mine. But we didn’t see anything. So we came back into the house.

Minutes later, I checked my phone. Sure enough, my neighbor texted me and wrote, “I left you some flowers.” Smiling, I was pleasantly surprised!

In the same way, one of these days, life is going to pleasantly surprise you. God is about to do some unexpected things. You’re not going to constantly struggle. Keep believing. Your present- day problems are nothing compared to the glorious future that awaits you. For there is nothing that you are facing right now that God cannot change for the better.

As God gave emotional and spiritual healing to the woman at the well (John 4: 7-26), suddenly, He can bring health and healing to you. Stay hopeful. Stay positive. There is a new beginning in front of you. Therefore, look to God for what can be in your future, for He is renewing your strength.

Just as God restored the sight of the blind beggar (Luke 18: 35-43), He is going to give back to you what was lost. So dwell on the positive aspects of your life and keep persisting forward. Don’t let anything get you off course. Something good is about to transpire. Thus, leave the hurts behind and move onward. God has seen everything that has happened, and He will make up to you those lost years.

And as Daniel was protected from the hungry lions (Daniel 6:22), God will never leave or forsake you. Go to God with your worries in prayer. Pray and trust in Him, for some wonderful opportunit­y lies just around the next bend in the road. Your breakthrou­gh is near. Hence, keep doing what’s right in the Lord’s sight. God and His angels are guiding you to success.

I read in the Bible how a centurion had heard about the miracles of Jesus, and he unquestion­ably believed that Jesus had the supreme power and authority to perform these wonders. The centurion’s servant was ill, and he approached Jesus to ask him to heal this beloved member of the family. He fully expected to see his servant restored back to health. Matthew 8:13 describes how Jesus told the centurion, “Go; it shall be done for you, as you have believed.” And, at that very moment, the centurion’s servant was healed.

Likewise, past setbacks and challenges will change into upcoming blessings. Suddenly, situations will be corrected. Soon, adverse conditions will positively transform themselves. Out of the blue, obstacles will be removed and new, exciting doors will open. You have plenty of time left. Unexpected blessings and rewards are coming your way. Thus, don’t lose your joy, settle or toss away your precious hopes, dreams and aspiration­s. Don’t let past unfair circumstan­ces, lonely nights or betrayals deter you from your future happiness.

A while back, I heard a story about the great artist Leonardo da Vinci. One day, he was working on a painting and permitted a group of children to watch him. Accidental­ly, one child knocked over his picture. It was purported that Da Vinci was so angry that he could not continue to create. His anger stifled his creativity. Though he attempted, Da Vinci could not paint with that resentment in his heart. It’s the same thing with us. When we are full of bitterness or anger, it can hold us back. So stop reliving the hurts. Don’t continuall­y dwell on what you ‘should have done,’ ‘your defeats’ and ‘what didn’t work out.’ You will get stuck in a negative rut. You cannot become everything that God wants you to be in the future if you continue to be down on yourself.

On special occasions, my daughters make me handmade cards. Through the years, I have saved them and kept the cards in a keepsake box. The other day, I was sitting on the couch in the living room looking through the box full of cards. I picked out one particular­ly colorful card that my sweet middle daughter created for me. Surprised, I noticed these words she wrote on the front of the card: “You are important to me.”

That is what God wants you to know right now: You are important to Him.

God has remarkable things ahead for you. He is working out all things for your good. God is a way-maker, and He is at work ‘making a way’ for you.

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

You have not been forgotten. Restoratio­n and new beginnings are coming. One of these days, life is going to pleasantly surprise you. You’ll be blessed in such a way that you will not even remember any of the pain or hurts of the past.

Get ready to be surprised!

Email Catherine Galasso-Vigorito at cgv@anewyouwor­ldwide.com. To order a copy of her latest book, “The Open Window, 8 Weeks to Creating an Extraordin­ary Life,” visit www.anewyouwor­ldwide.com or bookstores nationwide.

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