Daily Times (Primos, PA)



In this country, if you’re a Democrat you are innocent until proven guilty. But if you’re a Republican, you’re guilty until you are proved innocent. That’s the way it works.


“Big Daddy From Ridley Park,” you have a short memory. Mitch McConnell and many of his cronies did everything and anything to obstruct President Obama for all of his eight years, even to the point of holding up a Supreme Court nominee for almost a year. They never did approve Merrick Garland, thus leaving an empty spot for Mr. Trump to pick Neil Gorsuch in — who, by the way, was approved with no hint of even a whisper of impropriet­ies. Judge Kavanaugh and anyone involved with accusation­s against him must be thoroughly investigat­ed by the FBI. GERRIE FROM WALLINGFOR­D


The crooked health insurance companies are at it again. We need to get rid of the insurance companies and the middle men. Just have 100 percent Medicare and the doctors and that’s it. That would take care of 100 percent instead of 80 percent. We don’t have a choice of doctors any more, it’s taking away our rights and I’m disgusted with it. And so is everybody else. Something needs to be done in Washington and in the states.


Hey, “Mr. Tom!” “Multiple women” in your family think Dr. Ford is lying about Kavanaugh, and you want to know how that reality can be “overcome.” Well, it can’t be overcome. Everyone knows that women always know instinctiv­ely when another woman is lying. So if the women in your family believe she is lying, I guess we should all take that to the bank. JB


“Big Daddy From Ridley Park” says that it’s stupid for Democrats to be against the things that Trump has done. “Big daddy” is the one who is stupid for being for things that Trump has done. He’s done nothing at all to help our country and the appointmen­t of Brett Kavanaugh is going to do nothing to help our country, either unless you’re part of the top 2 percent. Then the choice of Brett Kavanaugh is a very wise choice indeed.


There was a meeting recently about the George Hill prison being returned to county control. One Democratic councilman showed up and the other couldn’t make it because of a prior engagement but the Republican­s didn’t show it all and didn’t have any reason for not showing. Well, the reason is obvious — they want to keep the prison in private hands.


This is a warning if anybody’s older parents are having an operation. Please be advised that my mother’s operation was messed up. She can’t walk for two years now and no lawyer will take our case. Their silly answer was there wasn’t any damages because she is not working and if you’re in you’re 80 you won’t live much longer; therefore no damages, so no money for the firm. So surgeons can mess up an older person and you can’t do anything about it.


When Hillary Clinton was running for president, right-wingers exploded when she use the term “deplorable­s” to describe Trump’s supporters. She was being too kind. Anybody who thinks that a sexual predator like Brett Kavanaugh should be on the Supreme Court is not just a deplorable but despicable. And anybody who supports Donald Trump, who is one of the most despicable people who has ever lived, is also despicable. You cannot be a good person if you support either of these two people.


What are you state representa­tives going to do now that the school boards can raise taxes as high as they want, according to a piece in the Daily Times this morning. Are you going to continue doing nothing and just sit there collecting a check you have not earned? This no doubt will cause a lot of seniors to lose their homes. Someone has to step up now, not later.

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