Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Sound Off: Call 484-521-3180



I just finished reading the story about the dog that was put into a dumpster and it almost brought me to tears. It is outside of my realm of comprehens­ion how anyone could be so cruel, so heartless, with no conscience whatsoever. I’m a firm believer in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. If they ever do catch that person or persons, they should do the same thing and put them in the dumpster with the weight on top so they can’t get out. I’m sick of people getting away with horrendous crimes like what they did to that poor dog.


I’m leaving this message for “Trump 2020.” The Democrats stand for socialism and higher taxes? The Trump administra­tion is spending so much money and wasting so much money, our deficit is exploding like it has never done before. It’s in the trillions of dollars. Now this person “Trump 2020” says that the deficit is eventually going to be paid off. There’s two things that could happen — the country can go bankrupt or they can raise taxes to pay off the deficit.


Trump said that he would donate $1 million if Elizabeth Warren could prove that she is part Indian. Well Elizabeth Warren did — she goes back six generation­s. However even though he is on tape saying that he would donate $1 million, Trump now says he never said it. He’s a liar and corrupt.



A caller to Sound Off says if you look at all the cities and towns that are having problems, they are all run by Democrats. I know for a fact without even checking that that’s a lie. This person does not look any facts up. That’s like saying because it’s raining here right now it’s raining everywhere in the United States. You know this person, I guarantee you, did not look up the facts and statistics for every town and city in the United States. I can guarantee you that I would put money on that but yet they can get out here and they get statement like that and then you have the guy in the White House talking about fake news. If this is an fake news, well, it’s not news because it’s his opinion.


This is an answer to “Alternativ­e Theory” and “One Who Knows. Whoever that person is doesn’t know squat. Christine Flowers isn’t writing because she’s a Republican. She’s writing because she cares about the sanctity of human life.


To the person who saw a dog being kicked and know where the dog and its owner live, please report it to the authoritie­s instead of writing to Sound Off. That dog should not be in that household. Can you imagine what goes on behind closed doors? Albert Einstein said that those who do evil will not destroy the world but those who watch evil without doing anything about it will destroy it. In addition, we can all contribute a little to Justice Rescue who devote their time on rescuing abused and stray animals.


Is there any truth to the rumor that is circulatin­g that Elizabeth Warren wants to smoke the piece pipe with Donald Trump? She’s one of the possible candidate for the Democrats in 2020. It just goes to show what deep trouble that party is in. They have absolutely no credibilit­y and even consider putting someone like her up with the office for president.


This is to “Read the 10 Commandmen­ts.” I’m assuming that what Republican­s do doesn’t bother you. The Republican­s in Washington and most notably Donald Trump violate all the commitment­s almost every single day.


Some people really need to stop signing the stuff that they send to Sound Off. For example, “One Who Knows” is clearly not one who reads because they were complainin­g about Christine Flowers writing about abortion and that she tells people what to do with their bodies. If you actually read the piece you would see that she doesn’t tell people what to do with their own bodies. She just states the fact that abortion is killing babies and if you can’t see that, then you’re a myopic liberal who doesn’t care one whit about unborn babies or the or the conception of human life.

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