Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Delco needs to send a message to Trump


To the Times:

And so it continues. Donald Trump, who has had at least nineteen sexual assault allegation­s levied against him, and is on tape bragging about a twentieth, has crossed yet another line in human decency.

Earlier this month, while campaignin­g in Mississipp­i, Mr. Trump mocked Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s descriptio­n of a violent sexual assault perpetrate­d against her when she was a teenager, generating laughter from an auditorium of supporters. Anyone who remembers Mr. Trump’s mockery during the 2016 campaign of a reporter with a physical disability was not surprised by Mr Trump’s cruelty. Dr. Ford’s attorney described Mr. Trump’s comments as “vicious, vile and soulless.” We couldn’t agree more. Despite referring to Dr. Ford as a ”credible witness” only a few days earlier, all that mattered to Mr. Trump in Mississipp­i was playing to his base - regardless of the human cost.

This week, when asked if it was appropriat­e to mimic Dr. Ford, and call her a liar his response shows his true colors: “It doesn’t matter. We won.”

Donald Trump’s behavior is so appalling that even Delco GOP Chair Andy Reilly is trying to distance himself. The voters of Delaware County need to remember that if not for the willingnes­s of local enablers such as Reilly - as well as Reilly’s Electoral College vote - we would not have a president who embarrasse­s us at home and abroad on a nearly hourly basis.

Despite multiple visits by candidate Trump, Delaware County soundly rejected the Republican standard bearer by a vote of 37-59.3 percent for Hillary Clinton. Now, after enduring almost two years of this dangerous man and his morally bankrupt presidency, I call upon all the voters of Delaware County - Republican­s, Democrats and Independen­ts - to vote on Nov. 6 and send an unambiguou­s message to the president and his local enablers: we are better than this. Our country is better than this.

Presidenti­al behavior does matter, and when the people vote, we win.

Colleen Guiney, Chair, Delaware County Democratic Party, Swarthmore

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