Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Vote on pols’ positions, not actions of president


Once again, in an effort to inflame voters, the chairman of the Delaware County Democratic Party, Colleen Guiney, lashes out against local Republican­s because of behavior in the White House that she deems unpresiden­tial.

Our exhaustive search could not find any similar statements from Ms. Guiney directed at Bill Clinton for allegation­s made by Jennifer Flowers, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Juanita Broderick or Monica Lewinsky. Nor could we find any pronouncem­ent from Ms. Guiney regarding the personal behavior of Ted Kennedy or Keith Ellison. Evidently, Ms. Guiney only has selective outrage with respect to the personal conduct of public officials. That outrage is triggered by allegation­s against Republican­s only.

Ms. Guiney also seems to be shocked that a member of the Pennsylvan­ia Electoral College casts their vote for the individual who received the highest number of votes from the people of Pennsylvan­ia. Instead of running on issues designed to improve the lives of Delaware County voters, Guiney chooses to re-litigate the 2016 election and chastise anyone who doesn’t share her beliefs. Sure, President Trump needs to work on his manners, his tone and maybe his temperamen­t, but Barrack Obama’s good manners sure didn’t move our country close to the most recent 4.2 percent economic growth in a single fiscal quarter. President Obama, who governed only for the far Left, did not oversee the lowest unemployme­nt rate, across all demographi­cs, since 1969 and he certainly didn’t enact sweeping tax cuts to help contribute to our now booming economy.

Democratic leaders in Delaware County are far more interested in smearing their opponents than engaging voters. Guiney’s personal attacks on Republican­s demonstrat­e just how out of touch she is with Delaware County voters and our shared principles. Ms. Guiney has now, for the third time, failed to acknowledg­e or explain why her candidates and party are supporting Kristin Seale for state representa­tive, a founding member of the Delaware County Chapter of the Democratic Socialist of America who tweeted “only direct action and revolution can bring the capitalist system to its knees.”

Although the well-qualified, diverse slate of Republican candidates running for state representa­tive, state senator and Congress promote public policy positions that are within the mainstream of political thought in Delaware County, Ms. Guiney commands voters to not look at the records of candidates but instead to cast a vote for Democrats blindly because of a dislike of a politician in Washington. In following Ms. Guiney’s command, Delaware County voters would be adopting a mob mentality of thoughtles­s voting, which is not much different than shouting at public officials in elevators, berating officials dining with their spouses in public places, and excessivel­y banging on the doors of the United States Supreme Court.

As Republican­s, we ask you not to pull the Republican lever out of a hatred for Democrats but instead ask you to look at our candidates’ policy positions that promote low taxes, economic growth, personal responsibi­lity and opportunit­y for all. The previous Democratic administra­tion let down the American people in a masterful way. Republican­s, Democrats and Independen­ts in Delaware County are guaranteed a return to economic mediocrity by subscribin­g to the empty rhetoric of Colleen Guiney and the Delaware County Democrats.

Andy Reilly, Chairman, Delaware County Republican Party

“Democratic leaders in Delaware County are far more interested in smearing their opponents than engaging voters.”

— Andrew Reilly

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