Daily Times (Primos, PA)

A Dem and a RINO in 5th District


To the Times: Yesterday I attended the debate between Democrat Mary Gay Scanlon and Republican Pearl Kim, each running for a seat in the 5th Congressio­nal District.

Listening to the responses to the questions posed by audience members and moderators from the League of Women Voters, it became apparent that there were a Democrat and a RINO (Republican in Name Only) on the stage.

From the start, Pearl Kim expressed traditiona­lly Democratic principles. She opposes the Trump administra­tion’s policies on immigratio­n, Betsy DeVos and her education policies, and is in favor of keeping Obamacare until a viable replacemen­t can be implemente­d. She is in favor of campaign finance reform and made it a point to discuss how her campaign is financed by herself, family, friends, and the Asian-American community. She was also very frank about how difficult it is for women of color to raise money for their campaigns.

That last point got me thinking, “What kind of support is the local GOP giving Pearl Kim?” I’ve attended Delco candidate debates in the past, and always found Delco GOP Chair Andy Reilly to be a prominent figure in the crowd. Yesterday, however, I did not see him in the audience. By contrast, the Delco Democratic Party Chair Colleen Guiney was seated in the front row, in support of her candidate Mary Gay Scanlon. How much money has the Delco GOP spent to back Pearl Kim’s campaign? How does it compare with the money spent on Pat Meehan’s last campaign? It’s worth asking, is the Republican Party turning their collective backs on Pearl Kim?

Ms. Kim, considerin­g that your views on most issues seem to align with the Democratic Party and that you seem to be getting minimal support from the Delco GOP, you should consider joining the Democratic Party. Mary Gay Scanlon has stated that campaign finance reform will be her first order of business when she is elected. That, combined with the Democratic Party’s traditiona­l support of candidates of color, makes you an ideal fit and can potentiall­y help you pursue the causes for which you have the most passion. Whatever you decide, I wish you good luck in your political career. Christophe­r Garriga, Middletown

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