Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Sound Off: Call 484-521-3180



I was really saddened to hear the death of our 41st president, George Herbert Walker Bush. He was the last World War II veteran to serve as president of the United States. He really loved baseball and our veterans. I used to be really, really proud to be called a Republican. How far we have fallen. PATRIOT ON PROVIDENCE


In an interview with the New York Post, Donald Trump says a pardon for Paul Manafort is not off the table. And that makes perfect sense because Paul Manafort is a criminal and Donald Trump is a criminal. So we have one criminal pardoning another criminal.


Bob Grotz is my new favorite writer at the Daily Times. You’re all over it, buddy. How about it! This is awesome, man, every week. I just take the other team and the points against the Eagles. I have to get a second job to pay for my Daily Times if I couldn’t bet against the Eagles every week. This is great. I love it.


It seems that Bill and Hillary Clinton have to have a brick wall fall on them. I say this because a recent story said they were doing a cross-country speaking tour and tickets would be $750. The first show they played in an arena with 20,000 seats and only 3,000 people showed up. The price of the tickets have gone from $750 to $6. That must tell you something, Bill and Hillary. Wake up and smell the coffee.


Yes, can the last surviving Republican shut off the lights as they leave Delaware County? Thank you.


What an ugly Sound Off from “Trump 2020” on Monday, saying the migrants have a nerve and should be prosecuted and that they make our country a mess. What a difference when most of our ancestors came to the East Coast from Europe mostly. “Trump 2020’s” words show his evil cold heart. I don’t think he’s Native American. The greeting at the Statue of Liberty is wonderful and that’s what America is all about. So God bless America and may it stay away the way it is. JUST SAYING IN ASTON


Oh boy, very shaking news. A report finds no great risk from the pipelines. Well, who knew? Goodness gracious. I guess that was money well spent. You give me back $26 instead of $25 on my tax bill and I couldn’t wait. Very shattering news.


Here something that just dawned on me while I’m sitting here watching TV about the wall. You know, it’s never brought up that if build the wall all along the Mexican border from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico it will cost us a bundle. I mean, what are you gonna do, tear it down once the guy in the White House is gone? Now it’ll be up for the rest of our lives. Has anybody taken into account how much taxpayer money is going to be wasted on it year after year after year for the indefinite future? Think about it. We’re not talking thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars, we’re not talking millions of dollars, we’re probably talking billions of dollars just for the wall.


In reference to climate change, Jodine Mayberry says, and I quote, “Building a wall along our Southern border or tear gassing babies is not going to solve that problem.” God, this woman has a very unhealthy obsession with the president. She needs help. JOHNNY YUMA


I see where the worst president in the history of this country is at it again. Barack Obama has an ego bigger than Mount Everest. He’s now taking credit for the fact that we are one of the world’s leading producers of petroleum products. He’s also claiming that the economy is booming because of policies that he instituted. Who is this guy kidding. He almost single-handedly wrecked this country and divided us along many lines. He was a loser from day one and he still thinks he did a good job. FRIEND OF A FRIEND OF A COMMITTEEM­AN

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