Daily Times (Primos, PA)

A voice for the disabled

- Tim Donovan, Prospect Park

To the Times:

I admired Jean Vanier, who died on May 7 at age 90, for his all-encompassi­ng care for people who are mentally disabled. I worked in various capacities with disabled people (including as a special education teacher) for about 25 years.

Vanier founded L’Arche (“The Ark”) communitie­s, in which nondisable­d people work with mentally disabled people. The first was founded in France in 1964, after Vanier visited a mental hospital and witnessed mentally disabled people being neglected or abused. It’s incredible that this man who had earned a doctorate in philosophy devoted his life to building 147 such communitie­s in 35 nations. Approximat­ely 10,000 disabled and nondisable­d people live in the homes. Although Vanier was a devout Catholic, and encouraged a spiritual atmosphere in each community, L’Arche has people of all faiths or none.

Years ago, I worked in a group home with three disabled men. Unlike the L’Arche workers, I didn’t live with the men. My “favorite” client was John (not his real name). John loved music. He loved humming in church, listening to music tapes in his bedroom, and played a piano in a simple but beautiful manner. John was blind, incontinen­t and needed to be dressed and bathed. But he recognized his name, did his best to say it, could speak a few words, and understood much of what others said to him. As he grew older, our Saturday outings to Dunkin’ Donuts for coffee and a simple snack ended when he needed a feeding tube. I enjoyed taking John home often for holidays. He was able to hold my hands and walk up the stairs to our living room, and crossed his legs in a recliner. He enjoyed assembling large Lego blocks, smiling as he played a small electric organ, and listening to the conservati­on of my family.

My experience with disabled people was minor; Jean Vanier was (and the L’Arche workers still are) an incomparab­le group of people. Vanier once said, “Each human being, however small or weak, has something to bring to humanity.”

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