Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Russia outraged by case of sisters who killed abusive father

- By Nataliya Vasilyeva

MOSCOW >> One evening last summer, Mikhail Khachatury­an decided that his living room wasn’t tidy enough, so he summoned his three teenage daughters one by one and doused each with pepper spray.

Such violence and abuse was not unusual in the Khachatury­an household, according to court records. But Maria, Angelina and Krestina Khachatury­an decided they couldn’t take it anymore. They waited until their father fell asleep in his rocking chair and attacked him with a kitchen knife and a hammer. He put up a fight but died within minutes.

The sisters, now aged 18, 19 and 20, were charged last month with premeditat­ed murder in a case that has drawn outrage and illustrate­d how the Russian justice system handles domestic violence and sexual abuse cases.

More than 200,000 people have signed an online petition urging prosecutor­s to drop the murder charges, which could land the sisters in prison for up to 20 years.

Their supporters have protested outside Russian embassies in more than 20 locations abroad, and a theater has staged a show in solidarity. They had planned a major rally in central Moscow on Saturday, but said they had to cancel it, citing a refusal by city hall to provide security for the gathering.

“The Khachatury­an case is quite indicative of the general situation with domestic violence and how the Russian state responds to this problem,” says Yulia Gorbunova, who wrote an extensive report on domestic violence for Human Rights Watch last year.

Pressured by conservati­ve family groups, President Vladimir Putin in 2017 signed a law decriminal­izing some forms of domestic violence, which has no fixed definition in Russian legislatio­n. Police routinely turn a blind eye to cases of domestic abuse, while preventive measures, such as restrainin­g orders, are either lacking or not in wide use.

Court filings showed that the Khachatury­an sisters were repeatedly beaten and sexually abused by their father, a war veteran. He had kept a stockpile of knives, guns and rifles at home despite having been diagnosed with a neurologic­al disorder. He repeatedly threatened neighbors and family with violence.

Lawyers for the Khachatury­an sisters say their clients were driven to the edge.

“The first day we met,” Krestina’s lawyer Alexei Liptser said, “she said she’s better off here, in jail, than living at home the way she had been.”

Going to the police was not an option because the sisters feared that things would only get worse. They had shared some of the horrors they had experience­d with their friends but pleaded with them not to go to the police. In the year before the attack, the girls attended fewer than two months of classes in total, but the school administra­tion did not interfere.

Prosecutor­s acknowledg­e the extraordin­arily violent circumstan­ces that pushed the teenagers to kill their father but insisted they should be tried for murder. The sisters’ lawyers argue that they were acting in self-defense in circumstan­ces of lasting abuse and life-threatenin­g violence.

The sisters have been released on bail and are barred from seeing each other, meeting with witnesses in the case and talking to the media. They are reportedly in good spirits. “At least, no one is beating them up,” Liptser says.

The case inspired

29-year-old Zarema Zaudinova to direct a show at the undergroun­d Theater Doc last week, combining the sisters’ experience­s with performers’ own personal stories. Some members of the audience walked out after one of the more graphic accounts of abuse.

For Zaudinova, the Khachatury­an case was the last straw.

“We have no protection,” she says. “We will either get raped or we will get thrown into prison if we defend ourselves.”

Research on Russian criminal court cases compiled by the outlet Media Zona shows that of 2,500 women convicted of manslaught­er or murder in

2016 to 2018, nearly 2,000 killed a family member in a domestic violence setting.

Human Rights Watch has documented cases where “a very clear case of self-defense” was not recognized as such by prosecutor­s and led to the victim’s imprisonme­nt, according to Gorbunova.

“The choice is not whether you go to the police and get help,” she says. “The choice for these women was either to die or they had to protect themselves to the best of their ability.”

Almost 2,000 people have recently posted first-person accounts of abuse and victim-blaming to social media, after a young woman facing criminal charges for injuring her alleged rapist launched the hashtag #It’snotmyfaul­t.

The bill to replace jail terms with fines in certain cases of domestic violence breezed through the Russian parliament in 2017 and was promptly signed by Putin. Despite its detrimenta­l effect on domestic violence victims, the measure sparked a rare public debate on the issue in a country where a proverb goes: “If he beats you that means he loves you.”

 ?? ALEXANDER AVILOV, MOSCOW NEWS AGENCY PHOTO VIA AP ?? In this June 26 photo, Krestina Khachatury­an, right, and her mother Aurelia Dunduk attend hearings in a court room in Moscow, Russia. Three Khachatury­an sisters, now aged 18, 19 and 20, face charges of the premeditat­ed murder of their father who allegedly abused them for years, could land them in prison for up to 20-years, but the case has provoked outrage in Russia and calls to stop the court case.
ALEXANDER AVILOV, MOSCOW NEWS AGENCY PHOTO VIA AP In this June 26 photo, Krestina Khachatury­an, right, and her mother Aurelia Dunduk attend hearings in a court room in Moscow, Russia. Three Khachatury­an sisters, now aged 18, 19 and 20, face charges of the premeditat­ed murder of their father who allegedly abused them for years, could land them in prison for up to 20-years, but the case has provoked outrage in Russia and calls to stop the court case.

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