Daily Times (Primos, PA)

No matter where you are today, you are needed

- By Catherine Galasso-Vigorito cgv@anewyouwor­ldwide.com Catherine Galasso-Vigorito

In the early 1900s, American poet Edwin Markham published a meaningful prose titled: “How the Great Guest came.” The main character in the poem was a cobbler named Conrad who made shoes for a living. And in his tiny village, Conrad was known to all as a good, righteous and kindhearte­d gentleman.

One evening, Conrad had a dream. When he awoke early the next morning, he looked outside; and the sky seemed to grow brighter and brighter with every passing second. Conrad thought for a moment, and then he vividly recalled what he had dreamt. Feeling happy, he remembered that in his dream Jesus appeared to him and said, “I will be visiting you today.”

The dream was so real that Conrad believed it would come true. So with an ever-present smile, Conrad prepared for Jesus arrival. He cooked, cleaned, set the table and decorated his humble shop with a thousand boughs of green.

Then, Conrad patiently waited for Jesus to knock at his door. It was the happiest day of his life.

Hours passed and with a joyfilled expression on his face, Conrad sat in a chair, waiting and waiting. In great anticipati­on, Conrad was thinking about all the wonderful things he would do with Jesus when he arrived.

However, Conrad’s thoughts were interrupte­d by the sound of an elderly man’s voice. Conrad walked over to the front door and opened it. Outside, he saw the man shivering. Without delay, Conrad invited him inside to keep warm from the blustering cold rain. As Conrad talked to the man, he noticed holes in the man’s shoes, as they were completely worn through. So Conrad went into his workshop and gave him a sturdy pair of new shoes to wear. Afterward, the grateful man went on his way briskly.

By that time, it was afternoon. Jesus hadn’t yet arrived. Still, Conrad waited.

But before Conrad could do anything else, there was a slight knock on the door. Eagerly, Conrad answered it, and there was a poor, hungry woman. Her arms were crossed in front of her and she nodded, “Hello.” Conrad welcomed her in and generously gave her some food to eat. Soon thereafter, waving, she left his home.

Conrad shrugged his shoulders and again sat down contented. He continued waiting for Jesus to arrive.

At that point, Conrad heard someone crying. From his window, he gazed outside. It was a frightened child who was lost in the dark night. Quickly, Conrad ran to him. “Don’t cry,” Conrad uttered gently, comforting the child the best he could. Then, he leaned over, took the child’s small, icy-cold hand in his, and brought the child home safely to his family.

Later that evening, Conrad returned home. He sighed. Furrowing his brow and in a moment of despair, he lowered his voice and asked, “Why is it, Lord, that your feet delay? Did you forget that this was the day?”

Then soft in the silence, a Voice he heard:

“Lift up your heart, for I kept My word.

Three times I came to your friendly door;

Three times My shadow was on your floor.

I was the man with the bruised feet.

I was the woman you gave food to eat,

I was the child on the homeless street.”

Indeed, Jesus had visited Conrad’s home. For Scripture says it beautifull­y, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40).

Hence, no matter where you are today, you are needed. While God performs miracles all the time, He also needs and is counting on you to carry out His wondrous work.

Yet, you may think, “I’m only one person. How can I make a difference?” But God delights in changing the world through one person at a time.

Just as Jesus often touched people in order to bless them…

• You are the hands with which God can use to bless another.

• You are the voice who can offer to someone a life-altering prayer or an optimistic word of encouragem­ent.

• You’re the feet who can walk with people and help them through difficult times.

• Yours are the positive thoughts that can wish others well.

• Yours is the beautiful smile that can bring a person joy and comfort.

• And yours is the understand­ing ear who can listen and give kind reassuranc­e and hope for someone’s future.

A while ago, I heard about an artistic little girl who loved to draw. She always seemed to have a pencil in her hand sketching on a drawing pad. On a summer morning after breakfast, the girl was seated at the kitchen table drawing intently. Something was different about this sketch. Glancing over at her paper, the mother asked, “Honey, what are you drawing?”

Promptly, the girl answered, “I’m making a picture of God.” Taking a seat next to her sweet daughter, the mother said slowly, “Since nobody has seen God, no one will know what God looks like.”

The girl continued drawing and with a smile of confidence she replied, “When I get through with my picture, they will.”

In the same way, all year through, “Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise and ‘recognize’ our Heavenly Father” within you. (Matthew 5:16). Therefore, don’t let anything keep you from being a great influence in the lives of your fellow human beings.

God has given you special gifts and strengths. And He has chosen you to make a profound difference and to be a blessing to others. The best part of your life is still in front of you. So reflect the light of the Son and find someone to be good to every single day. For the world needs your radiance to shine brightly to make it a better place.

Let God’s love work in you and through you today.

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