Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Outrage must be followed by action on mass shootings


You can set your watch by it.

As the nation reels from still another mass shooting - actually two of them - calls for change ensue.

With 31 dead in El Paso, Texas, and another nine gunned down in Dayton, Ohio, will this time be different.

We certainly hope so. We’ve heard from Gov. Tom Wolf in Harrisburg. A slew of our local representa­tives, and those we have sent to Washington, D.C.

Now it’s time to go beyond words and demand real results before the next time a gunman targets innocent Americans. Will this time be different?

Our nation has endured mass shooting after mass shooting for many years now. After each one a shocked nation demands that something be done to stem the tide of violence. Yet even after the most appalling attacks, such as the 2017 Las Vegas massacre that killed 58 people and wounded 422, or the 2012 Sandy Hook attack that killed 26 people, 20 of them young children, little happens.

Much of the outrage focuses on the lack of action on the legislativ­e front, especially in Washington. But that inaction extends to our culture as a whole. What have the American people as a whole done to cool the flames of anger and alienation that contribute significan­tly to this scourge? Not enough, clearly.

So here we are again, coming off a weekend during which more than 30 people were killed and about 50 injured in two massacres taking place within 24 hours of one another. The crimes in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, occurred less than a week after a gunman killed three people and wounded 13 others at a festival in Gilroy, Calif.

It sometimes seems as if Americans are becoming numb to these kind of crimes and losing their capacity for outrage in reaction to them. Yet the carnage over the weekend once again shook the nation to its core.

But what happens next? There are so many tremendous challenges to tackle here, it’s all too easy to throw up our hands and accept these horrors as just another unfortunat­e part of modern life. But we must not give in.

As usual, much of the discussion is going to focus on the issue of guns. We renew our call for at least adopting restrictio­ns for the sort of efficient killing machines used in these crimes. Consider that the Ohio shooter was able to kill nine people and injure dozens more in about 30 seconds. Were it not for the swift, heroic efforts of police who were nearby, the death toll would have been far worse. Should this troubled young man have had access to that kind of firepower?

We recognize that the debate over guns in this country is far from settled and that getting any new laws passed is an uphill climb, but there are measures out there that should have a chance of passing.

Sen. Pat Toomey, a Republican who represents Pennsylvan­ia, is a sponsor of a bipartisan bill to extend background checks to all commercial firearms sales.

He also supports enacting a “red flag” measure, which would allow family members or law enforcemen­t officials to limit a person’s access to guns if they are deemed a potential threat. That idea is supported by other Republican­s, including Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, a strong ally of President Donald Trump. Considerin­g that perpetrato­rs of mass shootings often show signs of mental instabilit­y before they commit their crimes, this measure could make a difference.

The government also must redouble its efforts to treat white supremacis­t extremism the same way it has dealt with Islamic extremism since the 9/11 attacks. While not all the mass shootings are motivated by racial animus, enough of them are to make it clear that this ideology represents a profound threat. The El Paso shooting rightly is being investigat­ed as an act of terrorism.

This means closely monitoring the activities of extremist groups, especially online, and engaging in a robust campaign across the mainstream political spectrum to make clear that it is unacceptab­le to use the sort of rhetoric that dehumanize­s groups of people and leads some unstable individual­s to conclude that exterminat­ing them is necessary. For example, it’s quite possible to support stricter immigratio­n rules and stronger border enforcemen­t without resorting to demonizing language.

All of us, from the president on down, must work to end the ongoing shouting match that has been taking place for years now among people who differ on political issues. It creates an environmen­t that breeds the sort of anger and alienation fueling these kinds of attacks. Strong disagreeme­nt is healthy for our democracy, if it’s expressed respectful­ly.

Let’s take these challenges on now rather than waiting for yet another tragedy to take place and starting yet another cycle of outrage that leads nowhere. It won’t be easy, but it must be done. To conclude otherwise, to give up hope, is to surrender to forces of darkness that could destroy this great nation it has taken centuries to build.

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