Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Sound Off: Call 484-470-6442 or email newsroom@delcotimes.com


you vote this election think before you cast your ballot. Brian should have listened to to his father. This is from a transplant. Thank you.

‘Just Wondering Dan’ says he can’t believe that anyone thinks it’s not business as usual for politician­s to use a threat of withholdin­g money from foreign countries if they didn’t help America. That is not what Trump did. He withheld money to try to get dirt on a political opponent. I cannot believe that people think that is OK. Is that draining the swamp? and it’s upsetting and disappoint­ing. If my future depends on Biden or Warren or Sanders, I’m in big trouble. One is an idiot; one is a confirmed liar; and one is a socialist. Not good odds for a successful future if the government is going to control our thoughts and all of the things that these nuts are going after then this sounds like a communist country. We can make no decisions. Government tells us what to do and how to think. This is not Club America.

Congratula­tions Comcast, another channel gone, Channel 250. Now we have Court TV, a second movie station taken away. What is your problem? Do you enjoy making people spend more money? Comcast is a disgrace. Just a money-making company. People are dropping Comcast every day and people who still have Comcast report problems with the reception. It goes on and off. You are a nothing company.

I think it’s time for the Eagles to have someone else call the offensive plays in the Red Zone. Pederson is too predictabl­e. Just look at Sunday’s game. The first two times in the Red Zone, they couldn’t get an inch. Get somebody else to call the plays in the Red Zone.

100% of the time I disagree with Mr. Tom from Linwood, but Mr. Tom from Linwood has been calling up Sound Off for the last 15 or 20 years that I can remember and I think he’s earned the right to say whatever he wants to say in Sound Off. Whereas Trump 2020 where have you been? Would you crawl back under the rock you came from? If Trump loses what are you going to do? When Trump’s done find somebody else to cling to. You’re a pathetic human being.

I am with Christine Flowers, and I will be voting for Kat Copeland for D.A. I am a Democrat, bBut what I have read about Kat, I am so impressed with everything she has done and everything she wants to do so my vote will be for Kat Copeland on Tuesday. Thank you.

I’d like to sound off about Pacific Gas and Electric. My youngest son lives in California and Pacific Gas and Electric said they were going to redo their infrastruc­ture, their wires and lines and so forth and then gave millions and millions of dollars in bonuses to executives and never improved their infrastruc­ture whatsoever. Now they’ve filed for bankruptcy and there’s fires all over the state of California. This is a classic example of greed in this country. I’m a baby boomer in Boothwyn.

For Eagles fans, that is. The Patriots lost last night. There goes that perfect season. They will be in a bad mood in 2 weeks.

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