Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Sound Off: Call 484-470-6442 or email newsroom@delcotimes.com



Democrats are so hypocritic­al it’s sickening. They refer to President Trump as Bonespurs. How much time did Clinton spend in the military? None. And your hero, Obama? None, he was an organizer who caused trouble in the community. All you do is criticize.


I see the Delaware County Daily Times is right in there with the Democrats when it comes to identity politics. You’re playing right there on the front page of your newspaper. You know what the Bible says, that’s evil, that’s from the pit of hell. We know where you’re coming from, Mr. Daily Times Democrats. MR. TOM LINWOOD


On television someone got a double operation of new lungs after they were vaping. That’s a waste. give it to someone who needs it, not someone who goes back and goes vaping. Anyone who vapes, nobody should bother with them.


Hey Concord Township, you need to put a no left turn signal from School House Lane onto Route 1 north. This is the third or fourth time that cars pulled right out onto the main highway. I came within a foot of a crash. You need to do something about that intersecti­on. It’s going to be bad.


The first day of public hearings Trump did absolutely nothing but Tweet all day. You think as president he would have government business to take care of to keep him off of Twitter. Not Trump and it’s a matter of fact. He’s the only world leader who is always constantly on Twitter. It just shows again how mentally unbalanced Trump is that he is so addicted to Twitter.


I have to ask Mister Heron Daily Times. Why do you print these spin-offs from the Associated Press? How much do they pay you to put this propaganda and garbage in your newspaper? Yeah, the president doesn’t have the intellect to see through what’s going on, but I’ll say this for the man. He knows one thing. He knows you can’t believe anything that comes out the DOJ or CIA. You’re about to find out who’s telling the big story.


Hi, I just wanted to let ‘Just ‘Wondering Dan know that there are women out there that agree with you racing ahead.


The impeachmen­t hearings start today. Thank God there’s a John Wayne marathon on TV. So I don’t have to watch that circus down in Washington.


America, just remember China could produce nothing better than the American worker can. American workers are the best in the world JEANNETTE G


I read the ‘Votes Happen’ in Sound Off in the Times the other day and it finished up by noting the hardest-working councilman we’ve ever had in our history got thrown out. A lot of hard-working wonderful Republican public servants are paying the price because of this president, who lives in a reality TV show-type mentality I’m energized here on Edgmont.


Thank you, Joseph Batory for your many columns, especially the one of Nov. 11. Thank you for backing me up. I have been saying this for years and no one wants to believe me. Both you Joseph Batory and Sam Alfonsi should be published throughout the country. But I wonder if these people who are now mindless would believe it. Thank you again.


Yes, this is in response to Trashed from Ridley in the Tuesday Sound Off. You think you got it bad? Over here in Secane they put it out Sunday night and our trash pickup isn’t until Thursday morning. So you think your code enforcers out of whack course? Sign me, ANOTHER TRASHED


I see the longtime prison boss of George W. Hill is stepping down because of the critical report. I am positive that if this report didn’t come back, he’d still be sitting there collecting a fat paycheck.

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